Burning Down the House

August 2020

A feisty full Moon on Monday, August 3rd opens the final month of summer.  It certainly sets the tone for the weeks to come.  In avant garde Aquarius, the Moon opposes the Sun in Leo and both challenge Radical Uranus.  If used well, this troika affords incredibly creative energy; however it may also highlight how stuck and stubborn many of us really are.  All three of these planets at the Full Moon are in fixed signs, meaning, we can be very dug in, entrenched and resistant to change, not budging from the particular opinions and beliefs we hold.

Yet, this is precisely what we are called to do this month.

Engrained programming and conditioning that we have inherited, passed down through the ages, or reflexively adopted to which we may cling are being questioned and tested now.  In response, its best to ask:  what are you holding so fast to that needs to be shifted or released altogether?  As Einstein said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.  We know what does not work.  It is time to try something else to see if that works.

If you face a dilemma or decision, ask:  are you using your beliefs as a litmus test for others?  Are you sacrificing family and friends for your unbending opinions?  Or as a wise man once asked:  Is this the hill you want to die on? Or is it something you can let go of?  One thing is for sure, anger, discord and conflict are not going anywhere.  Fiery emotions will be with us through early 2021, yes, for the next six months, due to Motivating Mars extended tour through Aries.  So check yourself and monitor your responses.  Words and actions are not easily retracted or rarely forgotten.

As with all Full Moons, the energy leading into it increases the week prior to culmination.  In this case, during the final days of July and through the first weekend of August.  At hand, we have wildly inventive and ingenious energy built into this Full Moon…if we can move past ourselves and try new solutions. Be open minded and willing to listen to others.  We may be surprised how similar we are to our fellow man and how easily problems are solved when working together.

Groups are at play with this Full Moon in Aquarius as it challenges Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius; expect radical, rebellious, shocking and surprise events.  And DRAMA…with the Sun in “Look at ME Leo”, lots of drama.  This exponentially increases two days later when Messenger Mercury enters Leo.  While our minds overflow creatively, really keep an eye out for ego-based maneuvers…your own and others.  Know your motives.  Are you trying to make a splash and call attention to yourself?  The higher use of the Sun-Mercury in Leo is generosity, bravery and creativity.  Discern the difference between making drama and behaving with dignity.

At the end of the first week in August, on the 7th, Venus enters Cancer the Crab for the rest of the month.  Our love of family, home and nation shines with this placement, helping to sort out what is best for our welfare in the wake of the pandemic. What is best for our children, parents and teachers (who also have families) as the school year approaches?  How do we govern with care and compassion for the greatest benefit of our nation?  Remembering our own self-care, Venus in Cancer helps us factor our personal needs into the equation.

A week later, on August 14th, Uranus turns retrograde.  This is a big deal and requires a warning label especially with all of the national discord now.  Uranus’ reverse gear occurs at the same time Mars challenges its elder sibling Pluto.  By itself, this angle provokes and instigates.   The window of August 14th-17th is particularly dicey.  Take extra care with your words and actions.  If you need to launch a project, idea, collaboration or event, aim to do it before August 14th or after the 17th.  Over that weekend, expect surprises, the unpredictable and unexpected.  Move and drive slowly, with deliberation; use caution as these planetary shifts occur during the darkest phase of the Moon cycle.  You may not know what hit you.  Know that you may be caught completely off guard or flat-footed. In hindsight, you will realize you never saw it coming.  You aren’t supposed to with these cosmic coordinates.  Think lightning from a clear blue sky…  It may be a game-changing few days.

Life eases up with the New Moon in Leo on Tuesday, the 18th.  Conjoined to Messenger Mercury and helpfully aligned to Mars in Aries, this is one powerful New Moon.  You will feel energized and ablaze with ideas.  Set your intentions.  Hand write 3-5 goals, prayers or wishes you seek to accomplish in the next month or season.  Alight these in a fire pit, set adrift in water with an outlet or plant in the ground to grow.

A few days later the energy noticeably shifts as the Sun and Messenger Mercury both move into Virgo.  From fire to earth, feel your energy, mind and thoughts turn toward the practical, healthy and useful. The Sun-Mercury gradually align with Uranus in Taurus and heavy hitters Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter in Capricorn over the remainder of August.  Avail yourself of realistic solutions and pragmatic opportunities arising from this earth energy alliance.

For all of the difficulties 2020 has presented, calling upon us to re-prioritize our lives and our values, the final ten days of August bears invaluable ingenuity.  Grab hold of what comes to you now and take advantage.  Because when September rolls in, the final quarter of 2020 will not be so kind.



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