Creating Your Own Reality

Creating Your Own Reality

Leo the Lion rules August.  It is a creative, festive and generous energy.  After last year, we are soaking up every drop of gatherings, concerts, sports, art, family and friends.  Peak liveliness of summertime playfulness heralds us as the month opens.  The Sun and Messenger Mercury are tightly paired opposing Taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius on Day 1 of August.  Creativity and innovation abound.  The first week of the month is an excellent time to start work on creative pursuits or launch projects already underway.  Or, perhaps you are at a cross roads with any endeavor and don’t know which way to turn, including stubborn relationship issues.  Well the good new is:   answers and solutions envelop us this first week of August to solve conundrums that arise.

Earth energies temper our giddy-up.  Radical Uranus aligns with Valuable Venus all week to help us prepare, plan and execute our go-get-em ideas.  Grounding, real deal flow continues for the balance of August as Motivating Mars joins Venus in Virgo.  While ideal for getting $#!T done and making things happen, the duo can level guilt like a caustic grandmother to incite feelings that you never quite measure up.  Rest assured, YOU DO.  So pay not mind to the critics.  Virgo rules habits, practices and systems.  Do not allow overthinking or a critical mindset to dominate your head space. Rather, harness this humbling energy to begin healthy, new practices:  positive affirmations, exercise routines, clean eating habits.  It takes 60 days to instill a habit so that it becomes automatic.  I analyze is Virgo’s key phrase.  Hit the pause button to scrutinize what is not working in your life and how you can clean up what should be purged, whether your residence or routines. 

Knowing what needs to stay or go in your world going forward, as well as what you want to bring more of to integrate, is key as we approach the New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 8th.  This is a WILDLY innovative, romantic and festive New Moon.  Be sure to hand write 3-5 goals that you aim to accomplish over the next month or season.  Plant in the earth or set safely alight.  Leo IS leadership.  Fierce, generous and game for anything.  If you have been contemplating taking a chance or leap of faith, now is the time with this New Moon!  GO FOR IT.  

Messenger Mercury loosely conjoins the Leo Sun and Moon, strengthening our resolve and emboldening our minds and hearts with bravery we didn’t know we had.  You do have it in you to live your dream.  What reality do you want to create?  The planetary combination of Leo courage and Virgo skilled planning pave the way. Especially from August 8th to the 11th as Valuable Venus aligns to powerful Pluto.  Grab hold of this practical force to build what you want to grow.  It is as ingenious and inspirational a time as we’ve had in a while.  So make the most of it.

The next day, Thursday, August 12th, Messenger Mercury continues enhancing Virgo precision.  Our minds and words are laser sharp.  Mercury and Mars gradually align with change agent Uranus over the next week, through Friday, August 20th.  Have a particular goal in mind?  Seek to implement a new system?  Want to change your life for the better?  This troika is it!  Mercury-Mars-Uranus give us the raw material to plan, create and execute exactly the reality we want.  Afforded to us now is:  work horse, data oriented, hands on, not afraid to get its hands dirty, and ethical to boot energy.  It is a streamlined force to create effectual change.   

Gears begin shifting on Monday, August 16th as Valuable Venus turns into her own sign of Libra.  She graces our relationships with a gentility and eye for beauty; softens our interests and knows how to attract and appeal to others, whether family, business or romantic relations.  Venus invariably helps wherever she cycles through your life, bringing resources, talents and just the right people to smooth our path forward.  Over the next week, she gradually aligns to Taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius, culminating on August 23rd.  Together, they network like crazy, solve technology problems, design innovative décor, devices and strategies, particularly well with groups and teams.  Use this flowing connective energy of Venus-Saturn in air signs to your advantage.

We will need all the help we can get as we enter one of the trickiest passages of 2021.  On Thursday, August 19th Radical Uranus turns retrograde motion.  Its function, the very purpose of Uranus is to change.  This outer planet is known as the Great Awakener, but also, the Great Disruptor.  Often, human beings only awaken when life is interrupted.  Get stuck in a rut?  Things going a little too smoothly?  Enter Uranus to break things up.  When we are thrown off kilter, most likely we hit the pause and re-set button.  What just happened?  We ask.  Then, why?  In the course of exploring why our lives are disrupted, we discover the new.  New approaches, aspects and facets that may have remained unknown and unused had we not been pushed a different direction.  The term happy accident is very Uranian.  SURPRISE! 

Whenever the unpredictable planet Uranus shifts gears, either direct motion, or in this case, retrograde, life can take some pretty unusual turns.  It’s not called Radical Uranus for nothing.  What makes the August 19th Uranus retrograde shift particularly notable is that it occurs three days before the Full Moon on Sunday, August 22nd.  Any Full Moon brings heightened awareness and sensitivity.  August’s full moon occurs at the final degree of Aquarius (sign ruled by Uranus) and the opposing Sun in dramatic Leo.  To say the third weekend of August may be filled with shock and awe is an understatement.  Brace yourself.  Any rebellious elements fomenting underneath the surface may explode unexpectedly between the 19th and 23rd

Take care and take it easy.  If you can, lay low that weekend.  I’m not one, by personality or by astrological counsel, to lean toward pessimism.  But I would be remiss if I didn’t call for caution when necessary.  August 19-23rd is one such time.  So help yourself and others by choosing gentle words and actions now.

Frenzied energetic waves tossing us about like toy boats gives way to calmer frequencies by the 24th.  Thank heaven!  We may very well have some clean up to do in the aftermath of the Full Moon-Uranus Retrograde cyclone.  As we return back to school and work toward August’s end, Messenger Mercury moves into lovely Libra.  Our minds and mouths now seek balance, consideration of others.  We take into account the impact and consequences we may have on the lives of those around us.  Never a bad thing in my estimation to gauge how our loved ones and those we rely on may experience the ripples we create.  Minding our words and estimating how these fall on others’ ears, how another receives our message, is the first step toward wisdom.   Step lively.

Of Special Note:

Have you heard of the Akashic Records?  Yes?  No?  To learn what exactly the Akashics are and how they work, please join me for my interview with Akashic Records expert Patty Collinsworth on the next episode of Mystical Messages podcast.  For ten years, Patty has been reading the Akashics for clients as well as teaching students on-line and in person. My interview with Patty will air on Friday, August 13th on Mystical Messages podcast available via Google, Apple or Spotify.





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