Expect the Unexpected: Double Eclipses

February 2018 astrological outlook

As befitting the sign of Aquarius which colors much of February, this is a rather unusual month celestially. The air sign of Aquarius and its planet Uranus rule anything off beat, non-mainstream, unpredictable, sudden, avant garde, genius and ingenuity. Think Thomas Edison, Oprah, Nelson Mandela.  Anything labeled different.  So goes February 2018.  All planets are direct motion for the second month in a row yet there will only be three planetary sign changes. Oh, and lest we forget:  one eclipse:  a partial solar eclipse on the 15th.

For starters, having all planets moving forward for so long is a bonus. This began at the outset of the New Year and continues into March.  What is striking about this isn’t so much that all the planets are direct but rather for the length of time. they are forward motion.  A week, perhaps a month at most but over two months? This is very rare indeed.  February finds itself in the heart of this planetary push ahead.

How does this impact you? Aquarian energy is optimized now, encouraging us to feel, think and do outside the box, our normal grind. Look outside yourself, your circle, your community and routine for solutions, to break out of habits that no longer serve you.  Go baby go.  Full steam ahead.

Otherwise a quiet month cosmically, we find a bump at mid month, a partial solar eclipse on February 15th, the second of two eclipses.  The first eclipse kick started February on January 31, a total lunar eclipse at Full Moon.  This is the second Full Moon of January (or Blue Moon) and its eclipse occurs in the sign of Leo.  It is a particularly rare occurrence for a total lunar eclipse to happen on a Blue Moon.  The last one happened 152 years ago.  Talk about unusual Aquarius happenings!!

During the final days of January, watch for drama, fun, self-expression, your voice to be heard.  If you have been sidelined by others, you will feel a large push to speak up.  Between January 25-February 4, ask where have you suppressed your voice?  Bullied and victim no more.  Just look at the scores of young female gymnasts sexually assaulted by Dr. Larry Nassar who just put him behind bars for life.

Unshackled, February begins.  With the Sun (our will), Venus (love/money), Mercury (communication) all in radical Aquarius, you may very well feel an earthquake inside, lightning strikes of knowing.  Pay attention to flashes of insight.  This is not your imagination.  Rather, these will lead to breakthroughs in persistent problems, areas where we find ourselves stuck.  What are you being urged to do? Alternative approaches and solutions are your best bet this month.

With Messenger Mercury at its sharpest now, beneficent Venus and the Sun tied to the Lunar South Node (our point of release), all in humanitarian Aquarius, watch for opportunities to connect with your fellow man/woman; look out for your neighbor’s best interests and to work collaboratively as a group.  Together as one we rise and fall.

The two generous planets, Venus and Jupiter, challenge each other the first week of February.  So be aware of where you can give and receive. Set stubborn resistance aside now.  Often we say no, decline opportunities that offer a way out our conundrums.  A mantra for February is “say yes and figure it out later.” This is most definitely such a time.  Look around. What needs resolution in your world?  Who needs healing?  You, your family, your workplace, community?  We are called now to consider larger, broader aspects in our lives, our footprint on this earth, the impact each one of us creates as part of a chain reaction of existence.  No small thing this.

Good think heavy weights Saturn and Pluto are in serious Capricorn now, teaching us Responsibility, Structure and Integrity.  Use this energy as a functional platform on which to build your life.  Saturn (dharma/karma) and Pluto the transformer hold your seat to a firm foundation while you meet on-coming challenges, pursue dreams and rise to the above-mentioned humanitarian call.  Man-made disasters in Yemen, Myanmar and Syria come to mind.  These are publicly noted as the worst humanitarian crises since World War II.

The preponderance of off-beat Aquarian energy at the outset of February is enhanced by Mars in Sagittarius. You may feel a strong need for freedom.  What liberates you rather than confines and binds?  Some may feel persecuted or victimized by circumstance with this energy.  Better to steer yourself toward healthy solutions, adventure, search or quest, like going on a treasure hunt rather than staying trapped on a never-ending treadmill of why me?

Deepest healing is at hand now with Generous Jupiter aligning beautifully with healer Chiron.  Take a break, take a time out, take time off.  Science has proven that those who are most successful know when to say when:  change it up, go outside for a walk, change your scenery to get fresh perspectives.  And simply rest.  Was a nap ever known to hurt anyone?  Wake up renewed and ready to tackle challenges from alternative angles.

Midmonth brings the most cosmic activity.  First, on February 11, Venus enters Pisces.  Here the planet of love, money and relationships shines most brightly:  the Venus in Pisces lovefest.  Mm, mm, mm.  Nothing quite like it!  Feel her angelic, adoring effect.  She is gracious beyond measure for the next month with time, energy and money.  Over the next ten days, Venus pairs with her higher planetary wavelength, Neptune.  Dream a little dream.  Now is the time.  Pisces and its ruler Neptune rule dreams, as well as inspiration, fantasy, music, water, sleep, universal love.  Mother Theresa comes to mind.  From February 17-24, you can’t help but feel the love.  It is everywhere and all around.

Can you feel the love tonight? from Disney’s The Lion King is an apt theme song right about now.

The Winter Olympics occur amidst this lovely Venus in Pisces stretch, reminding us all how far loving energy goes to repair relationships, the dysfunction of which is the root of so much suffering in our world.

Smack in the middle of the month on February 15th comes the second eclipse on the New Moon.  This is a partial solar eclipse at 26 degrees Aquarius.  Talk about an invitation for new beginnings!  A New World Order is on call.  With the Piscean lovefest of Venus, Neptune and Chiron combined with the humanitarian Sun (will), Moon (our emotions) and Messenger Mercury, while Pluto and Saturn lay a firm groundwork, this is one heck of a New Moon eclipse! Tremendous potential awaits.  We are called to dream (Pisces), gather (Aquarius), and plant (Capricorn).  Power is virtually in our hands.  To join together. To unify. In such a contrarian, conflicted and war-torn world, repairing and healing opportunity unfolds if we allow.  Power in numbers.  Strength in groups.  Can you see that you are not so different from your fellow man after all?  That we share far more than separates and divides us?

This eclipse invites us to let go of our differences and unite what aligns us.

As the brief month of February draws to a close, Messenger Mercury and the Sun’s shift into Pisces on February 18 and 19th, joining Venus, Neptune and Chiron.  Pisces qualities intensify.  With any sign, there is always a caution:  don’t overdo.  A water sign, Pisces can lead us down a very slippery slope.  What good is a lovefest if it turns sour?  If you stay too long at the party?  Know when it is time to go home, to call it a day.  It is one thing to rest, dream, be inspired, another thing entirely to slide into escapism or addiction.  Pisces rules drugs, alcohol, addiction of any kind.  Be mindful:  choose moderation.  In everything, be balanced.

This applies to givers especially.  If you are one who constantly gives to others, be very careful of being taken advantage of now.  Doing as much for yourself, in equal parts, as you do for others is not selfish.  It prevents burnout and exhaustion.  Pace yourself. While giving to those in need, remember to take time for your needs:  listen to beautiful music, relax in a gentle bath, compose a letter to a long-lost cousin, get a massage, row-row-row your boat gently down a stream/

Go and do likewise.

Of Special Note:   In addition to my private astrology and Reiki practice, I am so very pleased to share that my services are now available through Our Sight Your Light.  This exceptional group of holistic practitioners offers an immense array of healing modalities.  I am honored to be included as part of this highly talented community. Please visit www.oursightyourlight.com to learn about our services and which ones may be right for you.

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