Glow, Grow and Flow
February 2025Fresh off a New Moon in Aquarius and Radical Uranus’ turning direct motion at the tail end of last month, February greets us with its signature motto: change and change now. Resist at your peril. Delaying the work only digs us deeper into the trenches of what must eventually be embraced.
Underscoring the relentless spark to change are the lunar nodes that have now shifted signs, from Aries and Libra to Pisces and Virgo; the north and south nodes of Earth’s moon define a narrative: the north node indicates what grabs our attention and urges us forward. This has now moved from fire and air to water and earth elements. For the last 18 months we felt a call to action, to design collaborations and fearlessly wander into new territories.
Each nodal axis is laden with potent promise asking us to follow primal urges in a certain direction. And by February, our directional true north now resides in Pisces with the south node in practical Virgo. Their energy invites us to surrender to the divine universal flow of life, to dream and then take pragmatic steps toward creating our vision. This is the promise of the Pisces-Virgo nodal axis.
The corollary caution is drowning in victimhood mentality, fearing rather than believing, not getting out of your own way, overthinking rather than following our intuition, needlessly suffering instead of dutifully serving, drinking and drugging rather than health and wellness routines, fighting instead of flowing. The Pisces north node is the quintessential path of least resistance. It speaks to us through imagery, intuition and imagination.
So it is important to pay attention to your dreams (both day and night visions), film, water, music, photography, video, the non-profit and charitable sector, what feels soulfully delicious regardless of what others say; knowing that: use care with whom you share your dreams. The invitation is to float now and February is the month to do just that. Especially since what lies ahead in March is no picnic. Take up the cues offered now and swim with the tide, float along the gentle cosmic currents as February is fairly tame with few planetary bumps or grinds. Enjoy the relative calm while it lasts!
The first shifts to greet us occur on the same day, Tuesday, February 4th when both Generous Jupiter turns direct motion in Gemini while Venus rolls into Aries. Expect communication to flow more smoothly, forthright and clear. This is enhanced by Venus which doesn’t have time to mess around now; in fiery Aries, Venus cuts straight to the chase. The one caution is impulse control. Definitely look before you leap with this energetic combo.
If you have been holding off on signing contracts or debating what technology or communication device to purchase, now is your time. With the tail wind afforded by Jupiter moving forward, seize the opportunity offered up by this giant cosmic YES!
We inch closer to the Full Moon in Leo on Wednesday, February 12th . The Leo moon is endlessly creative, especially opposite the ingenious Aquarian Sun-Mercury pair. The possibilities for scientific, technology and creative breakthroughs are literally jaw-dropping now. Yet while this is a highly innovative Full Moon with Mercury tightly conjoined to the Sun in Aquarius, it is also worth noting the stiff challenges posed by Radical Uranus in Taurus. Fixed signs abound at the Full Moon and they do not budge easily.
Picture three heavyweight boxers in a ring, each in peak physical form, baiting and daring the other two, heels dug in, and you have an idea of what Sun-Mercury-Moon challenging Uranus looks like. Uranus is finishing its passage through Taurus. At an energetic crescendo, it demands we use resources more deliberately. “Your fun and creative ideas are great and all that,” says Uranus, “but how are you going to pay for it?”
In other words, watch for obstacles on the financing front. Admitted to your dream college? Now you need to piece together several scholarships. Finished that film script you’ve been working on for years? Now find a studio to produce it. Develop a life-saving medical device? Now find a company to mass manufacture it for a cost-effective price. You get the idea. Any resource hurdles we face now are NOT insurmountable; but they will require extra effort and ingenuity.
Fortunately the winds of change loom just over the horizon if patience allows.
Just two days later on Friday, February 14th, Messenger Mercury moves into dreamy Pisces. Over the next week, watch for smoke and mirrors, people selling you things you do not need, telling you one thing but doing another, and more. Illusion is rife through Sunday, February 23rd as Mercury challenges Jupiter in Gemini, amplified by the Sun entering Pisces on Tuesday, February 18th. This is one time to ask the harder questions and look under the hood of any prospects on the table. Let people show you who they are now and definitely believe them the first time!
The best news of February awaits us yet when on Monday, February 24th Motivating Mars finally turns direct motion. HURRAY! Although still cycling through Cancer the Crab until mid-April, Mars moving forward gives us a big breather, allowing for a major exhale. Take advantage of the stretch of clear energy offered this week before more planetary waves stir the ether throughout March. Sign key documents and purchase large ticket items now between February 24th and March 1st.
Set your intentions on the New Moon in Pisces on Thursday, February 27th. With five planets and the lunar north node in dreamy Pisces, it is essential to take reflective time to dial up your intuition and really listen. Pay attention to lyrics in music, imagery that speaks to you through film, photos or video, ideas, messages and thoughts while you are in/on/around water including snow, ice and steam. What are you hearing and seeing?
With the deluge of water energies at month’s end, we can feel awash in emotion. Grounding yourself is essential now. Focus your attention; move and speak with intention. Handwrite three to five goals or dreams that you seek to manifest over the next month or season. Carefully set these alight or bury them in the earth. While still one month away from springtime; and heading into the very murky waters of March, it is imperative to practice life with the utmost kindness and compassion toward yourself and all others.
Of Special Note:
The 3 Wise Women is off and running! Join us! We are three veteran metaphysical practitioners offering community, conversation and connection via zoom every first Tuesday of the month @6 pm eastern. For just $10/session, feel safe among like-minded seekers to ask your wildest woo questions and learn from each other. To enroll:
Mystical Messages features my monthly astrology forecasts if you prefer listening via podcast. Also featured are cutting edge healing arts practitioners. Tune in and listen via: Youtube, Apple or Spotify or hear previous episodes: