Pedal to the Metal: January's Full Throttle Forward

January 2018 astrological outlook

There is very rarely a time when celestial events coincide so directly with humanity’s calendar.  Our agenda. Our clock.  January 2018 is such a time.

With the holidays behind us, we are ready to dive full tilt into the New Year on January 1.  Several remarkable events occur smack dab on New Year’s day: the Full Moon is ON January First and Radical Uranus turns direct motion. Radical yes.  Rebellious, surprising, shocking, ingenious, off-beat Uranus.  Expect the unexpected is an extreme understatement.  We can never know what will happen with this planet.  Most notably, Uranus’ shift forward leads ALL of the planets in our beloved Milky Way galaxy to turn direct motion for the next two months.  This is highly unusual. One or more planets are typically retrograde motion (reverse) at any given time.

How does this impact you?   All the planets moving forward streamlines our lives, desires and dreams with a vital forward thrust.  Whatever you have sown to date or are planning to launch now, January through March is terrific for growing.  Go baby go!

First, the Full Moon.  January 1 finds Mother Moon in its own sign, nurturing Cancer, making beautiful angles to inspirational Neptune and Mars-Jupiter in psychic Scorpio.  You will feel this Full Moon and how.  Terrific for deepest devotion, passion, intuition and more, this Full Moon is as grounded as it is emotional.  We feel super committed to our New Year’s resolutions as this moon opposes four planets in earthy Capricorn:  Saturn (responsibility), Venus (love and money), the Sun (our will) and Pluto (transformation).  Capricorn is THE building block energy of the zodiac, the architect of our lives creating a firm foundation on which to manifest our desires.  With Saturn now in its own sign of Capricorn for the next two years, we feel a responsibility to build our lives wisely.  This energy digs hard work and is resolved to see any task/project/relationship through to completion.  So what you intend now will come to fruition.  Build with care.

And, this Full Moon occurs on the cusp of wild and woolly Uranus turning direct.  Feel a switch flick on inside yourself?  Uranus rules electricity, earthquakes and lighting, anything sudden or shocking.  You may literally wake up in the early days of January 2018 ready to turn over a completely new page in your life.  Expect others to do the same.  Uranus is called the Great Awakener for a reason.  It is the original AH-HAH discovery energy.  Victim, prisoner, sleeper no more! Says Uranus direct.  Engines are Full Throttle Ahead.  So we speed into the stars; into the unknown of 2018.  It is tremendously exciting, exhilarating, if not a bit scary.  One thing is for sure:  there is no time for fear here.  Buckle up and strap yourself in for a ride.

Adding vitality to the New Year’s mix are the Lunar Nodes at powerful degrees. The North Node calls our name.  It is at 15 degrees Leo, a super strong point and real attention getter.  Hear the siren call to take a chance?  We feel the urge to laugh, pursue romance, your passion, to create something new, indulge our children and inner child.  In short: play.  Play with wild abandon.  Have fun and enjoy life.  So many of us carry steep and heavy burdens. But the Leo North Node reminds us to keep it light, festive, try new things we’ve never done before.  Leo also rules drama, so a word of caution: avoid drama and drama queens. 

The planetary power group in serious Capricorn are sure to keep it real.  Keep us realistic.  With focused intention you can find the balance between fun, humor and responsible action. The edge of our attention sharpens by the second week of the month (January 6-11) when this foursome tightly conjoin.  We are all business, no nonsense, black and white.  These make a helpful angle to Jupiter-Mars in Scorpio which rules karma, big money, taxes, investments, psychology, joint finances (shared bank accounts, property, etc), the metaphysical realm, psychic rebirth.  In other words:  the piper will be paid now.  With wise aim, this is an excellent time for significant investments of money, time or energy.

The United States will witness unfolding consequences for Mr. Trump, the impacts of the recently passed immense tax bill, and shifts in government.  Scorpio Jupiter (abundance) and Motivating Mars (action) also deals with secrets and deep revelations.  Aligning with Capricorn planets, this duo says there is no time for anything hidden. The cosmic alliance demands all cards to be put face up on the table.  If anyone kept something from you, it will be revealed now.

Revelations only increase with Messenger Mercury’s entrance into Capricorn on January 11th.  The scales are tipped now:  five planets in Capricorn during the third week of the month.  Build like crazy whatever you want to manifest.  Incredibly hale and hearty energy, Capricorn is cold and hard-nosed; it shoulders the harshest of burdens, tolerates the most extreme conditions.  So tell all the naysayers in your life where they can go; better yet, don’t say anything.  Save your energy to bear down, focus on producing your dreams.  With five planets in robust Capricorn, stand back and behold how much you can accomplish!

…Just in time to set intentions for the first New Moon of 2018.  On January 17th, hand write five or so goals you hope to realize over the next month, season or year.  Plant them in the ground or cast in a moving body of water such as a river, stream or ocean.  The same day, Venus moves into unruly Aquarius.  Ruled by Uranus, this sign is an out-of-the-box thinker and doer, prefers anything non-mainstream.  Highly inventive in Aquarius, Venus turns to new designs in projects, investments and relationships.  Only days later, on January 20th, the Sun joins Venus, applying our will to new-fangled ideas, concepts and people.  Embrace what is different now. You know what has not worked in your life so be open to trying alternatives.  There is nothing to lose and only experience and success to be gained.

Enhancing your sense of adventure is Mars shift into sagacious Sagittarius on January 26thOur only limits are those we set for ourselves, Mars now reminds us.  What is your dream?  Aim your arrow high and accurately.  With all the Aquarian inventiveness and Capricorn pragmatism at hand, this is the perfect time to manifest your plans.

In this truly rare time of complete planetary forward motion, we are blessed with a second Full Moon in January.  On the 31st, the Moon ends the month as she began it:  nurturing what we sow into ripe culmination.  Under her bright light, the Full Moon guides us and shows us the way.  We are made of stars and stardust, she says.  Nothing is impossible.

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