July 2021: The Cosmic Choice Award

July 2021: The Cosmic Choice Award

If months were awarded annual “Cosmic Choice Awards” the month of July would be the astrologers’ pick for 2021.  After the galactic tumult of June, we now welcome much calmer stretches and even super fun energy to boot!  July affords us time to let the star dust settle; all that stirred up drama will dispel and disperse so take advantage of the coming cosmic tranquility.  After last month, we can use all the peace and quiet we can handle!

The first week of July, please note that distortion, or the effect of being inside of warped fun house mirrors is still in place as July opens.  It has been pushing us to discern what is real and what is projection from others, that which does not belong to us.  Now, however, the advantage in July is that Messenger Mercury is moving forward motion again.  We’ve seen this rodeo of projection before, twice actually, over that past two months as Mercury jousted with dreamy Neptune.  Chances are, we learned a thing or two and won’t get fooled this time around.  We know what’s up.  Through practice and experience we can tell what is phony baloney, spin and fancy wordsmithing.  Use your knowledge to carefully direct your thoughts and energy rather than getting caught up in naysayers’ noise.

Underlying all of this, there is a jailbreak feeling to the beginning of July.  Our pent up energy from 2020 covid rules and restrictions are ready to pop.  Feel the release?  FEEL the release!  With the Sun in nurturing Cancer the Crab now, it feels so good to feel again…to hug each other, to touch, shake hands, rub elbows at gatherings once more.  And with July 1st falling on the cusp of our beloved Independence Day in the USA, joy is ripe and ready to be shared.

The July 4th weekend has all the makings for one fabulous holiday affair as the star coordinates emphasize:   Motivating Mars and Valuable Venus are joined at the hip in festive Leo aligning to healer Chiron in Aries and the Lunar south node in adventurous Sagittarius to form a grand fire trine.  Meaning:  Get your party shoes on!   We can just about taste the freedom this July.  Let the good times roll. You do not want to sit this one out.  Whatever gives you JOY:  do that.  It is no accident that the holiday itself falls squarely on a Sunday, giving many the Monday afterward off from work.  Prepare for a long weekend of play, relaxation and good eats.  What are you bringing to the picnic?

Whether you decide to take the following week off and continue to play or quietly return to work, the week after the 4th is low key heading into the New Moon in Cancer the Crab on Friday, July 9th.  In fact, this is one gentle New Moon.  The kindest one I have seen in a long while.  Soft and sweet, both Sun and Moon align with dreamy Neptune. Our intuition is unusually accurate so pay attention to those twinges and vibes you get.  Hanging out on, in or around water is deeply soothing.  Listen to, play or dance to music.  The more water and music you do now, the better. 

Sun and Moon loosely oppose Powerful Pluto in Capricorn at the time of the New Moon, giving us some structure and definition, and reminding us to set boundaries to protect ourselves and loved ones.  You may very well find yourself sticking close to home, vacationing with family, getting those projects done around the house or practicing some very long-overdue self-care.  It is not indulgent to pamper yourself.  Body and soul benefit from the healthy care and keeping of you.  Consider it money well spent.

Be sure to set your New Moon intentions over the second weekend of July, on the 10th or 11th, by handwriting 3-5 goals that you desire to manifest over the coming month or season.  Plant in the ground or set safely alight. 

Nurturing Cancerian energy continues by extension on Sunday, July 11th when Messenger Mercury joins the Sun in Cancer.  This planetary change of sign is most welcome as Mercury, ruling our minds and mouth, toured through communicative Gemini for over two months due to its retrograde cycle.  Now, however, our will, energy and thoughts pair up in imaginative Cancer.  You will feel life downshift into the slow lane. It’s like taking the back country scenic road.  Cancer likes the languid life, to feel its way along. So don’t rush the Crab!  She’ll get everything done, in her own time, in her own way, far more imaginatively than her conventional cosmic cousins.  Her creed is live and let live; let go and let God.  

If you push or rush any Crab, the end result will be spoiled.  The process is not unlike a cake baking in the oven.  If you keep opening the oven door to check on the cake, it will never bake properly.  This principle applies to each of us regardless of our zodiac sign now.   The tender, careful days of summer finds us developing in the universal womb now; it is not a process to be messed with.  So hands off and back off.  Let nature take its course with yourself, your goals and others.  Less is really more now.

You will know when it will be time to act as there will be tests of will, or, whether to jump in and take action especially around Saturday, July 17th when the Sun opposes Powerful Pluto.  Of course, if the situation warrants, act accordingly, particularly involving setting limits and saying no when necessary.  Planetary oppositions raise awareness regarding how we respond to life and our role in any outcome.  The awareness we gain around July 17th parlays into the rising energy of the full moon in avant garde Aquarius the following Friday, July 23rd.  This Full Moon is wedged between heavy hitters Pluto and Saturn. 

Practiced detachment and observation are the watch words with this Full Moon.  The more you remove yourself from emotionally loaded situations, the better as the Sun has now shifted into dramatic Leo on July 22nd.  Of course it’s easier said than done to detach when you feel people and circumstances are testing you.  And they are.  The Aquarian Full Moon opposite the creative Leo Sun pushes us to invent and innovate our way along, through or out of the quandaries and problems we find ourselves in.  So avoid blaming others as that will only add misery to complexities.

Helping us just before the full moon is Valuable Venus’ shift into analytical Virgo just two days earlier on Wednesday, July 21.  Down-to-earth, practical and pragmatic, Virgo Venus brings all the facts and figures to illuminate better understanding.  More importantly, she keeps our heads level and our energy grounded.  As momentum and emotions invariably build toward the Full Moon, use Venus in Virgo to break apart and break down matters into smaller, more manageable pieces.  The phrase “small steps for self-esteem building” comes to mind this third week of July.  Take each piece and master it, fully grasp its purpose, use and place before moving on to the next part.

On the heels of the Full Moon, Messenger Mercury turns into Leo on Tuesday, July 27th.  We find humor (heaven knows we need it!) and fun creative outlets wherever we look; the optimistic and bright sunny side appears.  In short, we see the glass half full heading into August.   Two days later, Motivating Mars joins Venus in Virgo.  While our minds may be full of mischief and how to have fun, we are imbued with a killer work ethic.  When used well, this energy gives us a global, big-picture outlook combined with applied efficiency and attention to detail for any endeavor you are brewing.  Not a bad way to end the first full month of summer!


Of Special Note:

Tune into my podcast Mystical Messages on Friday, July 16th to hear my conversation with intuitive artist Toni Carbone as we discuss sacred painting, moon cycles, and the spiritual roots of creativity.  You may find Mystical Messages wherever you follow podcasts.


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