Dream a Little Dream, or, Pulled Apart at the Seams

March 2018 astrological outlook

Awash in emotion, excess rain water, day dreaming time away or jamming to terrific music?

As March opens, Pisces energy surrounds and envelops us, spilling over the containers of our lives.  Five planets are moving through lyrical, inspiring Pisces on Day 1.  Like any sign, Pisces has its benefits and challenges.  And these are amplified to the nth degree leading into the Full Moon on March 1.

In the days leading up to this Full Moon, watch for sublime inspiration, overwhelming urges to escape, wanting or needing to forgive, and practicing faith against all odds, or, drowning in faith’s polar opposite: fear.

The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces, more than any other sign represents distinct polarities and every shade in between:   The entire range of human experience.   Pisces signifies the highest and lowest in human behavior.  It brings pristine insight but can shroud us in foggy thinking.  It represents the saints and angels as well as the downtrodden and despairing among us.

With this in mind, pay attention to your gut feelings, instinct and intuition, also ruled by Pisces.  We are asked to trust our own senses now.   Trust, believe your heart to be right regardless of what others think, say or do.  The subtlest of energies, Pisces does not dominate (as may Aries or Scorpio); but with five planets this first week of March, urges and dreams seep, leak, and wave through our minds and emotions, pushing us to morph dreams into action.

The flip side of visionary, dreamy Pisces is illusion and deception.  Be careful to distinguish the difference between what is real and what is not, as lines will blur this first week.  Be the “observer” or “witness” in your life to test and examine if your feelings and urges are solid and real, if not practical.  As the old adage goes, “believe little of what you hear and half of what you see.”

Amidst this emotional torrent comes identifying and practicing faith over fear.  The United States finds itself immersed in a debate on guns.  Oddly, nothing illustrates Pisces energy quite like this debate:  on one side are those who fervently believe they can only be safe with the protection of arms, guns.  Directly opposing this notion is the group who firmly believe we should limit access to guns in order to prevent further mass shootings. The first group is fear based.  The second is based on faith.

Pisces outlines these distinct polarities.  And this is precisely where the United States finds itself caught now, culturally and politically.  Pisces also rules drugs while its opposing sign, Virgo, rules health and healthcare.  The debate about opioid use, drug overdoses and its damage to our society versus the spiraling cost of health care is yet another example of this polarity. From here as individuals and collectively, we must find our way to middle ground.

Helping us to do just that is the Virgo Full Moon on March 1.  It beautifully aligns with heavyweight Saturn in earthy Capricorn.  Along with transformer Pluto in Capricorn, this Full Moon says hey, wait a minute.  Before you run away (more like float away) on all those Piscean dreams, let’s look at the practical aspects of exactly how your ideas might work:  realistically, on the ground.

To balance your dreams with pragmatic realism, take your Piscean visions and ask how you can put them into action:  to manifest the dream.  Let music and water inspire you.  Write down, create a vision board, paint an actual picture of what you hope to bring to life.  Then use all of that earth energy (Moon, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn) to build your dream.  With effort and patience, you can do this!

At the start of the second week of March, on the 6th, the energy begins to shift.  Messenger Mercury, ruling our thoughts and communication, enters pioneering Aries.  The very next day, March 7th, Venus, planet of love and money, joins Mercury in Aries.  The original initiator, fire starting energy, Aries is a terrific leader.  So Mercury-Venus help lift your dreams off the ground, turning ideas into action.

However, you may also have a sense now that others don’t quite understand, believe in, see or get your vision.  This is such an incredible idea….why isn’t everyone jumping on board? You may ask.  Mercury-Venus in Aries want to make things happen now.  And how!  Take a breath.  Rely on planetary workhorses Saturn and Pluto to plod along, step by step, to create your dream.  It will all work out; but it may take more time, energy, or resources than you initially thought.

Ultimately, the month of March shows us the highest human potential possible, individually and collectively.  Will we join together to problem solve or sink to the lowest common denominator, stand in opposite corners pointing and blaming one another?

On March 10th, Generous Jupiter turns retrograde motion for the next 4 and a half months.  In Scorpio, Jupiter retrograde invites us to review the deepest aspects of our lives:  from sex to joint finances.  Everything from taxes to transforming the inner most layers of our psyche are on the table.  Scorpio rules desire and magic.  It is the veritable make-over energy, the Phoenix rising from the ashes.  Jupiter brings its formidable blessings to Scorpio through November of 2018.  Whatever area of your life you desire to change now will occur with focused intent.

Bear this in mind for the New Moon in Pisces on March 17th, exactly aligning with Jupiter in Scorpio.  All New Moons bring fresh starts.  This New Moon is particularly vibrant.  On the cusp of Spring, Mercury-Venus in Aries beautifully align with the Lunar North Node, stoking our actions even as we continue to weave our dreams from straw into gold.

Potent stuff this.  Wow.  The Sun-Moon challenge Motivating Mars in Sagittarius so it is imperative to tell the truth now, be honest, honor the law of ourselves, our true north, bearing in mind social norms and laws of the land.  This New Moon pushes us to discern the truth of our dreams and visions.  Are we chasing a pipe dream, escaping reality or are we pursuing honest endeavors?  To clarify, hand write your wishes, goals and intentions for the next month and year.  Then plant in the ground or cast in a moving body of water.

The very next day after the New Moon, on March 18th, Mars enters Capricorn where it shines most brightly.  For the next two months, Mars gradually joins both heavyweights, Saturn and Pluto, demanding we get real.  Act responsibly, with honor and integrity.  When used well, this is masterful taskmaster energy.  Capricorn rules big business, politics, architecture, government and tradition.  It is structured and formal.  One step at a time, one foot in front of the other.  Nothing focuses our attention like these three planets in serious Capricorn.

A few days later, the Sun enters Aries on the Spring Equinox, March 22nd, joining Mercury and Venus. Feel the urge to surge ahead, blaze new trails, conquer that mountain our vision has set its sights on?   Fiery Aries energy is brash and rash.  Impulsive.  Mars, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn says not so fast.  First things first.  Lay a firm foundation and then you can proceed safely and securely.

Also slowing our hand is Messenger Mercury.  It stations retrograde motion on the Equinox as well.  For the next three weeks, practice all the RE words:  relax, restore, renew, rest, review, etc.  In our go-go-go world, no time feels like the right time to slow down and take stock, especially now with Spring upon us.  However, this is a great time for spring cleaning!  Clean house, pitch and purge…re-cycle and re-organize.

Tidying our own back yard is a terrific use of the catalytic energy upon us now.  We will feel an internal struggle, a push and pull as the Aries troika squares off with the trio in Capricorn.  The Sun, our will, Venus, our money and relationships, and Mercury, how we communicate duel with the three planets in long-haul Capricorn (Mars…our energy, Saturn…our responsibility, and Pluto…our desires).  The urge to push forward is immense.  We feel evenly split between wanting to get stuff done now versus doing it right, for the long term good.

It is no accident that Mercury Retrograde overlays this time frame.  Until April 14th when it turns direct motion, best to review your tentative plans, marshal your forces and resources.  Examine exactly what you are undertaking.  Our higher self reminds us:  Haste really does make waste.  So be sure you are directing your lower, active-on-the-ground self to do what is in your best long-term interests.  This catalytic energy at the end of March builds to a climax on the second Full Moon occurring March 31st.

Watch for upheaval in traditions and customs of our personal lives…uprooting the way things have always been done…; while on a collective level, look for fire and fury (Aries energy), upheaval in government, rules broken, barriers brought down, rebellion, blowing up what does not work anymore.

The March 31st Full Moon is not for the faint of heart.  So take care.  Focus on your work, your loved ones and your own self care.  As the British say:  Keep Calm and Carry On!

Of Special Note:

Please mark your calendars for the Healthy Living Expo on Sunday, April 8th, from 10 am to 6 PM, in Plymouth, MA.  I will be speaking about the astrological outlook for 2018, what to expect personally and as a nation/culture.  Or stop by my table that day for a mini-reading!  Please visit www.myhealthylivingexpo.com for details, directions and information.  I look forward to seeing you there.


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