Retrograde Renovations

Retrograde Renovations

October opens with no less than 6 planets (out of ten) retrograde motion.  A number of my clients have asked why the energy is so sluggish.  Here is why:   Retrograde, or reverse gear, isn’t a negative thing. Rather, it is part of the natural cycle of life patterns.  It involves reflection, turning inward, and thinking rather than acting and pushing forward.  Think of it similar to the season of winter, and it is upon us cosmically now. 

The outer planets spend nearly half of the year retrograde.  Because of their distance from Earth, we normally do not feel this; however, the overlapping cycles of the three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) along with titans Jupiter and Saturn, from the end of August through mid-October has the effect of slowing life to a crawl.  Interior planet Messenger Mercury added to this on September 27th when it also turned retrograde. 

Little traction is gained now.  Instead, tune in.  Meditate.  Listen.  What do you hear? 

The paradigms and constructs we have known are falling away for sure.  The old and out dated are dissolving (Neptune in Pisces).  The unknown and yet-to-be are gradually taking their place.  And the unknown often engenders fear.  But while there is chaos all around everywhere we look, it is also a wildly creative time to be alive. 

October affords us bountiful deliberation and consideration of how to proceed.  Out of our retrograde reflections we will gain a clearer understanding of our values, what is important to us, how we want to spend our time, energy and resources.   The importance of this cannot be overstated.  We are given the chance to craft a mission statement for our future.

Libra energy dominates the first half of October, with the Sun, Motivating Mars and Messenger Mercury leaning our actions and words toward what is fair, balanced and yes, beautiful.  Libra recognizes that each person deserves to be treated equally and is entitled to beauty, to feel it, experience it, live it, know it.  Libra is grace; something we can all agree is in very short supply these days. 

Use the first week of October wisely and steep yourself in as much beauty and grace as you can manage.  Create a work of art; purchase a finely tailored article of clothing; visit a museum or gallery; host an event or dinner party.  Give of yourself by sharing your talents and knowledge willingly and liberally with others, all the while carefully weighing your choices and possible directions.  The tide begins turning soon enough. 

The New Moon on Wednesday, October 6th is a force to be reckoned with.  The impact of this New Moon is tremendous.  Four planets are in Libra:  Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury.  Libra is known as the Velvet Hammer.  She gets what she wants through a charm offensive, and by applying finesse and grace.  She is a master of design: including human, cultural and product.  The trick for Libra is decision making.  To choose.  Therein lies the quest for balance, which is Libra’s key phrase:  I Balance. That in making a choice, there is compromise and consequently not everyone ends up happy.  REMEMBER to always factor in your own needs and agenda. Because Libra’s Achilles heel is often forgetting about themselves when meeting everyone else’s demands.   

Libra can sit on the fence debating pros and cons until opportunity has passed her by. Especially where relationship is concerned So it is a healthy idea to take the first five days of October to make up your mind.  Then at the time of the New Moon:  CHOOSE.  Set your intentions carefully.  With all four Libra planets aligned to Generous Jupiter in Aquarius, the Force is with you now.  Underscoring this powerful energy, Pluto the transformer turns direct motion the very same day as the New Moon.  Pluto challenges Messenger Mercury; our choices weigh heavily.  We realize the consequences no matter what side of the fence we come down on.   Here’s a word to the wise:  There are no wrong decisions, only learning.

We realize, though, we have only one choice:  to embody, to live, to be our Truth; especially with Venus, ruler of Libra, at the final degree of Scorpio at this New Moon conjoining the Lunar South node in Sagittarius. Meaning:  exercise the full power and might of your being with every choice and decision.  The imperative here is getting crystal clear about your relationship to yourself.  To be absolutely 100 per cent yourself.  If you don’t know who you are, now is the time to get to know YOU.  Because there is no more faking, pretending, or going along to get along anymore.  The veil is wispy thin now and each of us is seen for exactly who and what we are.   Do yourself a favor and simply live your honest truth.  Others may not like the real you; but the upside is that you will be able to look yourself in the mirror. 

The next day, Valuable Venus moves into Sagittarius. For the remainder of the month we explore what life has to offer, open up to adventure, feel more spiritual and philosophical and enjoy people who expand our reality.    Given what faces us nationally and globally, this is a very good thing.  Greater understanding and learning only leads to broader empathy for our fellow man.  That we are not so very different from one another after all. 

Giving us a few days to allow the magnitude of these cosmic events to fully settle upon us and integrate, or perhaps ingratiate itself, Taskmaster Saturn then turns direct motion on Monday, October 11th.   Two planets down, two more to go, in terms of direct gear shifts this month.  (Uranus and Neptune stay retrograde for a while yet to come).  Saturn is serious.  Never frivolous.  Its direct motion underscores the gravitas of the moment.  In Aquarius, Saturn directs us toward the collective benefit, what will help the greater good, and connecting ideas to groups via technology.

As it turns forward motion and picks up steam, Saturn aligns with the Lunar North Node in Gemini, conveying our thoughts and facilitating communication.  In short, this alliance takes the edge off Mercury’s retrograde.  We have one week yet to go until Monday, October 18th, when Messenger Mercury moves forward again.  But we can feel the momentum of life beginning to pick up steam.  We are given one more week to dig deep, research, renew, review, etc. key plans and decisions before we act on them. 

Use every ounce of time to finalize details because Messenger Mercury turns direct motion on the very same day Generous Jupiter moves forward as well; and, their combined thrust ahead occurs only two days before the Full Moon on Wednesday, October 20th.  Mercury sends the message while Jupiter magnifies it; together, we can expect to receive very large messages.  Think Times Square BIG.  Under the light of the waxing moon, information is unmistakably clear. 

To make things more interesting, this will be a highly combustible Full Moon.  So fiery that it should come with a warning label and wrapped in yellow CAUTION tape. This Aries Full Moon brazenly challenges Powerful Pluto and opposes Motivating Mars conjoined to the Sun.  One clear meaning:  Out with the Old and in with the New.  Watch for explosive relationships, situations, information, or desperate people who will use just about any tactic to make their voices heard.

It is not hyperbole to say that we stand, individually and collectively, on the brink of a historic paradigm shift; the immense sort of cultural pivots that mark distinct BEFORE and AFTER periods, such as those we have heard our forebears talk about…like, before World War II and after; before the fall of Rome and after; before Christ and after, and, before or after the Covid Pandemic.  Yes, we are on an immense threshold.

Some may feel as though they’re being observed or watched, not in a paranoid way but rather due to an increased awareness that their language, actions, thoughts and intentions actually have consequences and impact.  Well, they do!  Increases of heightened awareness may be symptoms of spiritual ascension.  A fuller understanding that each of us is truly connected to the other, even if we don’t personally know the other person or group, indicates growth, expansion and development. We are learning that we do in fact create our reality from our thoughts, and our realities ripple out in waves touching all other lives. Such is the magnitude of this time. 

Saturday, October 23rd the Sun turns into Scorpio, excavating and turning over what needs to be seen, revealed and dealt with.  During the final week of the month, a test of wills, stamina and fortitude emerges as the Scorpio Sun gradually boxes with Saturn in Aquarius.  Watch for a “my way or the highway” attitude, a digging in of heels and stubborn resistance, belying much personal inner work yet to be done.  Helping us reach across what divides us, including getting over ourselves, Messenger Mercury assists greatly in its alliance to Aquarian Saturn and then Jupiter during October’s last days.  Not only does Mercury relay messages but it wants to relate while finishing up its tour through Libra while a stark Darwinian reality stares us down:  Adapt or die. We can adamantly cling to the old. But change is a-comin’ whether we like it or not.  Best to shake the hand of the future and face it squarely in the eye.

Of Special Note:

Friday, October 15, 2021

Please tune in to Mystical Messages podcast on Friday, October 15th to hear my conversation with Mariah Riess, MSW.  Mariah is a certified death doula and End-of-Life specialist.  Learn how our greatest transition may be handled with grace, dignity and yes, even celebration.


Thursday, October 21, 6 pm – 9 pm

 Friday, October 22, 10 am – 3 pm

 Saturday, October 23, 10 am – 4 pm

Come check out all of the artists and vendors!  And I am so thrilled to offer mini readings again this year at Soni Masur’s Big Fall Show at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 18 Springdale Avenue, Dover, MA.  BOOK YOUR astrology forecast with me now as these slots fill up fast!  I’m offering a special show rate of $30 for 20 minutes, either in-person or via zoom.









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