Shift Happens

February 2022

As February begins, we approach the light at the end of winter’s tunnel; although admittedly, some may feel they are approaching the proverbial tunnel of light.  We are living in extraordinary times when anything is possible and relatively little is for sure.

One thing we do know for certain is increasing sunlight in the northern hemisphere is marked by Imbolc, the festival celebrating mid-winter.  We are half way there, moving through the cold, ice and snow.  As Churchill said, “if you are going through hell, keep going.”

Imbolc occurs at a significant time in the cosmic calendar, a reminder that divine timing is flawlessly accurate.  The New Moon in Aquarius is sandwiched between Venus turning direct motion on January 29th and Imbolc on February 2nd.   Aquarius marches to its own drum, harkens to another voice:  its own.  The sign of the inventor, Aquarians are innovative problem solvers who undoubtedly coined the phrase “think outside of the box,” because Aquarians live outside of the box.  Considered by others to be radical or rebellious, Aquarians are simply non-conformists, ruled by the planet Uranus, the only planet that rotates vertically instead of horizontally.

So on Day One of February, the Aquarius New Moon invites us to try something new; something we have not done before; pushes us to push back on mainstream ideas and develop our own guidelines and norms.  Think about it:  by now, you know what does NOT work; so better to try something different even if it seems like a crazy notion. Your outlandish idea might just work!

The Sun (our will) and Moon (our emotions) are tightly conjoined to Taskmaster Saturn at a notable degree of Aquarius, making this New Moon a mandate:  it is time for you to do your own thing, to follow your own inner guidance, regardless of what others think, believe or say.

Sun-Moon-Saturn sharply challenge Radical Uranus, the very planet that rules Aquarius, in one final great heave-ho to awaken and arouse humanity.  Uranus in earthy Taurus has been prodding us for several years now to realize that there is more to life than money.  The Great Awakener asks us to change up our values:  whom and what we value.  How we value.  Where we place our value through the expenditure of our time, energy, skills and talents, all of them equal to money; to decide differently about the currency of our lives, to measure the quality of how we spend our days with a new-fangled yardstick.

The pandemic has brought this into sharp focus.

The Great Resignation occurring in the global labor force is only one impact of the cosmic heavyweight showdown.  Different uses or approaches to technology, groups and networks, are another facet of the Aquarius-Taurus duel. How can we best use technology to enhance our lives?  What benefits the greater common good?  Are just two questions sparked by this energetic squeeze.   Old tactics such as my-way-or-the-highway, bullying, or dictating orders simply will not work anymore.  We are operating under new guidelines where we act according to our conscience and people are shown for who they really are.  Practice opening your heart to receive.  Listen to your soul.

Then set your New Moon intentions based on your soul guidance; we’ve had plenty of time during January’s sluggish retrograde passages to meditate on what we DO want.  Hand write three to five goals that you seek to manifest in the coming month, season or year.  Then release by setting your goals safely alight.

The wheels of progress begin to churn forward now.  You will feel gears shift on Friday, February 4th as Messenger Mercury turns direct motion.  It announces:  All systems are GO!!  With Mercury’s switch forward, we are offered a vital opportunity:  a clear cosmic stretch for the next three months.  Yes, you read that correctly.  In a rare clear energetic window, every single planet now cycles direct motion.  Not only that, not a single eclipse will interrupt this planetary push forward. It is like having perfect weather:  sunny skies, warm breezes and low humidity.  This is GO TIME in a major way.  Be sure to take advantage of the next 90 days for we do not often get such a long, clear cosmic stretch.

Push onward and outward.  It is time now to roll forward.  Take your deep winter reflections, any ideas generated and put these to good use:  Sign significant contracts and documents; make major purchases you may have held off on such as cars, houses or appliances; move forward with big projects.   The unfettered energy from February 5th through April 29th smooths the path in front of us.

Helping us to manifest our efforts and ideas is the recent nodal shift.  Say what?  Our directional calling, or true north, just turned into the sign of Taurus.  For the past year and a half, the lunar north and south nodes have been cycling through Gemini and Sagittarius.  Meaning, our attention has been called toward Gemini:  information, communication, getting our message across and yes, listening, processing and integrating information in equal measure too.

Now, with the lunar north node in Taurus, our attention is drawn toward the material plane: to our values, resources, applied and developing skills and talents to earn a living, our time and energy, and yes:  money.  Cash is king with the north node in Taurus.  This is the original show me the money sign.  Where knowledge was power with the north node in Gemini for the past 18 months, now in Taurus:  time is money.  We have gathered all of the information and done our research.  We know what we need to do.  So For the next 18 months, it is time to plant what we want to grow, and later, to harvest what we have sown in earthy Taurus.

Over the summer, the north node will pair up with Radical Uranus, already cycling through Taurus.  Uranus takes seven years to move through a sign.  In 2022, the Great Awakener will reach its halfway point.  As it does so, Uranus will pair up with the lunar north node giving us a rich and ripe opportunity to grow baby grow.  The cosmic soil is warm, dense and delicious.   Ask yourself:  what do you want to cultivate?

With all ten planets turning direct motion for the next three months and the lunar north node in sensual, deeply talented and strong-like-a-bull Taurus, it is wise to invest your time and energy in what you want more of.  Unlike flighty Gemini, Taurus has stamina and perseverance to see ideas and visions through to the end result:  where you can see, feel, hear or touch what you have been dreaming about until now.  Taurus is the master manifestor.  Where you point your wand, you will get what you asked for.  So use her energy wisely.

On Tuesday, February 15th, Messenger Mercury rolls into its happy place:  Aquarius.  The information planet revels being in the sign of ideas and innovation.  Our mind may overflow with connections and solutions as the very next day, February 16th is the Full Moon in creative Leo.  Both Aquarian Sun and Leo Moon clash mightily with the current Taurus-Scorpio lunar nodes.  Think of four heavyweight boxers in a ring with each one vying for the title, Champion of the World. Each is so certain that their way is the only way and each has a stake in winning.  Sound familiar?

We see it play out on the global front with Russia bating the United States and NATO.  This is an age-old battle of ideologies (Aquarius) and swagger/drama (Leo) versus resources (Taurus) and power (scorpio).  Watch:  the gloves may very well come off.  Watch:  where is this playing out in your own life?  Ideas vs. resources?

The question is not do you have the goods to realize your ideas and potential.  The question is will you?  Will you put your ideas to work, seed and plant your dreams to harvest and share the bounty down the road?

The bright spotlight of the dramatic Leo Full Moon dares you, throws the gauntlet down.  Leo is the great risk taker, the gambler.  This full moon asks what have you got to lose?

We can dig in and fight, clinging to the old and worn out patterns.  Or, we can follow another path altogether.  Fortunately, we are given a planetary out clause.  On the heels of this heavyweight Full Moon, the Sun turns into unifying Pisces on Saturday, February 19th, gradually joining Generous Jupiter, magnifying and emphasizing the need to surrender.  To surrender does not mean to give up or give in.  Nor collapse.   Rather, Pisces, the sign of the soul suggests folding yourself into what calls your name, namely:  your dreams and visions.  To surrender means to flow and follow what you already know:  the wisdom of your heart.

Of Special Note:

Tune into Mystical Messages podcast to hear psychic medium Cathy Ripley Greene on Friday, February 11th.  Multi-talented, Cathy talks about her journey channeling messages from those who have passed.  Cathy also mentors and teaches budding mediums.  If you have ever thought about connecting with a loved one who has crossed over, this is the podcast episode for you!





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