The Serpent's Subtle Whisper

August 2023

Full Moon fever spreads and makes itself felt on Day 1 of August.  During the final days of July, we feel the energy building with tremendous force, like a volcano silently churning beneath the surface.  This is one highly creative Full Moon:  with the playful Leo Sun opposite the innovative Aquarius Full Moon.  Ask: what is trying to be born?  In yourself, in your life?  Both Sun and Moon challenge Generous Jupiter in practical Taurus pushing us to keep it real, to have sound methods to our inventive madness and ground our ideas in reality. 

The planetary friction may spark resistance in yourself to change, how we can accomplish the task at hand; or we might also experience others digging their heels in over how to problem solve.  Watch for “my way or the highway” attitudes.  At such a time, it is vital to remember:  all roads lead to Rome.  There is no one right way to do something, or live life itself. As long as no harm is done, live and let live.

Better to turn the energetic push back from the Full Moon into good old perseverance and grit.  When we apply this planetary strength to see our tasks through, we can truly move mountains.  So turn an internal obstacle into long-lasting stamina to finish what you start.  Helping us source solutions, Motivating Mars and Messenger Mercury in efficient Virgo align with Jupiter, heightening our versatility and adaptability.  We have what it takes to do the heavy lift right now along with a killer work ethic.  Applied mathematics comes to mind.  Our ingenuity is off the charts combined with inner resources to do the thing at hand.  Take advantage!

It is wise to remember that Valuable Venus is retrograde motion all month and into early September.  Venus rules love, money and relationships, the good stuff.  Retrograde in festive Leo, this is the time for reflection on whom and what we value in ourselves, in others, and in life.  The peak of summer is a very convenient moment for Venus retrograde cycle to occur while many are on vacation or working shorter hours, lending itself to the RE words:  relaxing, rest and refreshment. Be sure to indulge in these!

Please think before you spend during August.  Hit the pause button and ask yourself if you really need that pricey jewelry, car or gadget.  Venus retrograde comes with a notorious tag line of Caveat Emptor, Buyer Beware.  We tend to buy stuff we really do not need and end up not using.  So before you wallow in buyer’s remorse, sleep on it, your latest have-to-have.  For essentials, such as replacing a refrigerator, phone or washing machine, make sure you buy the extra warranty as you very well may end up needing it.

Between August 10th and 16th, is a particularly tempting time to splurge as Venus and the Sun in Leo challenge change agent Uranus.  Ask:  Are you getting the best value for your money?  What could you otherwise do with that money?  Temptation is very strong this week and this applies to affairs of the heart as well our spending. Watch for new flames and especially old ones resurfacing from the wee corners of your life, looking to re-ignite passions quelled by time and/or distance.  Others from your past may re-enter, or those you never knew you had any connection to begin with, from the likes of 23 and Me, or 

In short, watch your heart and your wallet this month.  Be cautious with both.  Have your long-term best interests in mind when facing choices. This is vitally important heading into the New Moon in Leo on Wednesday, August 16th which joins the Venus-Sun duo.  Take a beat and really feel into the intentions you choose to set.  Carefully hand write three to five goals that you want to manifest over the coming month or season.

Lean into the abundant super practical earth energies that are also fortunately, built into the New Moon energy.  Like a trusted old friend and ally, the earth energies tame our urges to throw caution out the window.  Like a caped crusader, fully half of the planets, five out of ten, give us much needed support to counter any reckless notions we harbor.  Mars-Mercury align helpfully to Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus now, serving as a strong and sturdy ladder on which we may climb to our goals.  They say, “stay the course, focus on your intention, don’t look down”.  Do not become sidetracked by the serpent’s subtle whisper, seeking to distract you with all of those glittery and shiny Leo Sun-Venus objects.  Later on, you will thank your lucky stars you did.

Instead, remember all of your hard work that has brought you to this stage; the hours of love, resources, energy and skill you have invested to date.  Before you lapse into forgetfulness, toss out who and what got you here, remember the backbone and structure of what will get you across the finish line.  Make the most of Venus’ retrograde and remind yourself of the solid systems all around you. Take a day or week or two from life to regroup and reset.  Then be sure to plant your New Moon intentions in the warm, rich earth. 

Cosmic waves stir heavily after the New Moon.  Prepare for some stellar gear shifts as the end of August is fairly bumpy.  If you haven’t taken time off by the final week, you may want to as not a whole lot of work will get done through early September.  Back-to-school and work details or calendars may have to be re-designed as Divine Timing has other ideas of how we are to focus our energy from August 22nd onward.

Expect the unexpected.

Wednesday, August 23rd Messenger Mercury turns retrograde.  In case we did not get the message, the galaxy is doubling down with two interior planets, Mercury and Venus now cycling in reverse. The good news is, we move through this all at one time.  The challenge is:  our plans to push forward may have to wait.  If ever there were a time to hold off on larger purchases, this would be it. By mid-September, life starts smoothing out.  But from August 22nd through September 15th, if you can delay buying homes, cars, appliances, signing for loans, major documents, or purchasing electronic and communication devices, DO. If you absolutely must proceed during this window, buy the warranty and know your out clause.  You may very well need them.

By Monday, August 28th, Motivating Mars moves into Libra.  The mythical god of war, Mars is not especially comfortable in Lovely Libra, sign of relationship, balance, art and beauty.  Watch any urge to pick fights with others; practice giving the benefit of the doubt, even when you are certain you are correct and in the right. This stretch is topsy turvy energetically and you do not want to alienate anyone unnecessarily.  So if applying the law is called for, such as filing a lawsuit or going to court, you really want to have your facts lined up.  Even if you do, there is little guarantee you will win, or that the law will be on your side now. 

Two days later, the higher octave and older sibling of Mercury, Change Agent Uranus turns retrograde on Tuesday, August 29th.  This is a notoriously unpredictable gear shift.  If you can lay low the 28th-30th, best to do so as Uranus notoriously provokes and kicks up dust.  Its purpose is to keep us on our toes, awake, on path and aware.  When we become complacent or fall off path, Uranus realigns us through surprising and often unsettling events.  So as this outer planet, the only one in our galaxy to rotate vertically rather than horizontally, shifts into reverse, make sure to have a Plan B, C and even D just in case.

By month’s end, six out of ten planets are cycling in retrograde motion. Trying to get anything done may feel like pushing a boulder up a mountain. The energetically thick stew stays in place through mid-September; so use this time to ask questions, do your homework, research and reflect on what you want your life to look like and directions you may want to take.  If you try to initiate anything right now, you may spin your wheels in the cosmic mud. 

Timing is everything.  Soon, the right time to advance and proceed will appear.  Until then, make love not war.

Of Special Note:

Artist Toni Carbone and I are offering our Creativity and Moon Cycles workshop again this fall.  Join us for this popular class on Saturday, September 16th in Norwood, MA or Saturday, October 14th in the beautiful Berkshires mountains of western Massachusetts.  The class runs 3 hours and is $180 including all art materials.  For more information or to enroll, please contact me:
















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