Treasure Hunt

November 2024

Hard not to mention the presidential election in the United States this month.  With so much at stake, with the country divided so deeply, ignoring the election would be to pretend a tiger wasn’t in the room.  However, rather than focusing on who will win the election, our energy is better spent on the cosmic themes November has planned for us.

All the Novembers of our lives have to do with transformation.  This is Scorpio’s month. The middle month of autumn, November prepares us for impending wintertime, the final dissemination of leaves and seeds merging into Mother Earth, building equity for fresh spring cycles yet to be.  The harvest is now done.  We take our earthly riches and fold them carefully away to feast upon through darker days ahead. 

Scorpio and its ruler Pluto govern the underside, the shadow, dirty unmentionables swept under the rug that no one wants to acknowledge.  Yet therein lies our greatest treasure:  the forgotten, neglected, disabused pieces of ourselves, like leaves and stems shed, discarded into the earth which form the delicious soil for tomorrow’s harvest.

Like a bulldozer, Pluto and the energy of Scorpio pulls back the proverbial cover, curtain, or carpet insisting we take long, deep looks at the underbelly of our lives, examining the psychologically discarded remnants of our upbringing, ancestral patterns and ancient traumas.  Time to name it and claim it:  shame, guilt, abandonment, dismissed, overlooked and on and on.

And so the work begins, the very first day of November with the New Moon in Scorpio.  Two narratives offer distinct options as to our unearthing approach:  gut wrenching heavy lifting OR a mysteriously alluring detective game.  Both require time, effort and focused attention. Our expectations and headspace set the tone for the work to be done:  pure drudgery and toil OR a wild chase of a treasure hunt to find what lurks beneath.  I suggest employing the latter.  Always choose the more interesting path.

Either way, our excavation begins immediately on Friday, November 1st with the New Moon in Scorpio. The Scorpio Sun and Moon align helpfully to Taskmaster Saturn in Pisces to cleanse and clear away the debris. The planetary trio intensifies our sensitivities now; so trust your intuition.  You do not need to know why or how something or someone makes you feel. Simply acknowledge your gut instincts.  Reasons and understanding will follow later on.

Turns out, later on is right around the corner. Over the weekend, Messenger Mercury turns into Sagittarius joining Valuable Venus and briefly the Moon on November 3rd and 4th.  These three illuminate what is being uncovered to better understand what we are seeing.  What lessons are we learning from our experience?  Take the high road now and ask how you can integrate the experiences so you do not repeat the lessons.  This path serves you well and is less arduous in the long run.  Still, many who don’t immediately get what they want, what they believe they deserve, or are entitled to, will choose to lawyer up, as the law and legal realm is ruled by Sagittarius.

By Monday, November 4th, Motivating Mars shifts into Leo, opposing older sibling Pluto.  Bear in mind, Election Day is nigh. This is the energy at play when you cast your vote. Mars and Pluto have tangled since the end of October and continue through all of November.  Traveling through polar ends of the zodiac, Mars and Pluto raise our awareness about how to creatively problems solve for the masses, aka, give the people what they want.

How they go about delivering the goods involves completely different approaches.

An interior planet close to Earth, Mars makes its presence felt. In Look-at-Me Leo, Mars creates a cacophony of drama and noise.  This is not good or bad, positive or negative.  It simply is; especially Mars opposing Capricorn Pluto which draws a final, definitive line in the sand.  Pluto hits a crescendo on election week and will not return to Capricorn for another 240 years.  Talk about an emphatic, underscored, italicized and bold print finale!

Capricorn writes unmistakably in black and white on the great karmic ledger. It rules time and timing.  Capricorn says:  the cosmic slate is balanced now.  Just don’t expect outcomes or results to be willingly swallowed or the losers to go quietly or gently into that good night.  Not with Mars in Leo opposite.

Stay on your side of the fence says Valuable Venus as she turns into Capricorn on Monday, November 11th.  Not exactly warm and fuzzy in hard-as-a-rock Capricorn, Venus cracks the whip now.  She tells us to put on our big boy and girl pants, to deal head on with the circumstances at hand.  Through mid-month, Venus challenges the north and south lunar nodes, playing arbiter and mediator between those picking fights and those making nice, trying to appeal to all sides.  No nonsense Capricorn sticks to the facts and insists on responsibility and integrity.

Discipline and honor are infinitely emphasized as Taskmaster Saturn, ruler of Capricorn itself, turns direct motion on Thursday, November 14th . In Pisces, Saturn distills and discerns what exactly we believe. It is no accident that Saturn, Lord of Karma, shifts forward motion on the eve of the Full Moon.  The heavens are not messing around now.  The week leading up to the Full Moon is heavy indeed.  We feel every ounce of its weight and gravitas.

Tightly conjoined to Radical Uranus, the Full Moon in Taurus aligns to Powerful Pluto.  They’re deadly serious.  Think earthquakes and earsplitting thunderclaps.  This is one great awakener calling us to get our values straight.  Lives and livelihoods are at stake.  We are shown in vivid color what and whom really matter, are distinctly important, including our own dreams, talents, and assets.   Talk about clarity! 

The Awakening continues as Pluto moves into Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19th.  We’ve been given a taste of Pluto in this non-mainstream sign earlier in 2024 but now, Pluto is here to stay in innovative Aquarius through 2043….!  Imagine what the world will look like then.  Humanitarian yet avant garde, Aquarius marches to its own drum.  Consider the last time Pluto cycled through Aquarius, 1777-1798, two revolutions occurred: in France where royal heads rolled and Great Britain vs. its own colonies, forming the United States of America.

Watch now as the collective rises to claim its rightful place.  The Old Order is done now, giving way to the New World Order championing the people.  First, though, creation and giving birth are very messy indeed. Do not expect a neat and tidy process.  Manage your expectations of how to navigate this time.  Remember:  there is nothing to fear as long as you speak from the heart and operate truthfully.

Truth and honesty are the watchwords as the Sun turns into freedom-loving Sagittarius on Thursday, November 21st.  What the Sun excavated while in Scorpio now shines its light of truth on for all to see.  Over the next month, the Sun gradually pairs with Messenger Mercury in Sagittarius, forming a difficult angle, also known as a HOT MESS, as the pair opposes Jupiter in Gemini and challenge Neptune in Pisces.  Con artists and spin doctors thrive feeding on this energy. Beware and be aware.

How to manage?  Take a beat and listen, really tune into your intuition, your gut instincts. Pay attention to your common sense reasoning. Dip beneath the layers, below the surface and ask intentional, open-ended questions. Let others do the talking, wait for their replies and really listen to the meaning behind their words. The need for this increases that much more heading into Thanksgiving when Mercury turns retrograde on Tuesday, November 26th.

Snarled traffic and delayed flights?  You bet.  So leave plenty of extra time to get to your destination. 

The start to the holiday shopping season is at hand.  I am a glass half-full kinda gal and astrologer but we are entering a lengthy period of re-sets through spring of 2025.  It is helpful to look at the next five months as a time of preparation as all three interior planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars will be retrograde from late November 2024 through early April 2025.

We are taking a few steps back to do some much-needed interior work before we can firmly and confidently move forward. Very little traction and progress will be had. Set your expectations accordingly.  Practice the RE words for sure:  rest, restore, renew, research, relax, etc, knowing that this too shall pass.  After all, we got through Covid; we can get through this. 

Of Special Note:

The 3 Wise Women is off and running!  Join us!  We are three veteran metaphysical practitioners offering community, conversation and connection via zoom every first Tuesday of the month @6 pm eastern.  For just $10/session, feel safe among like-minded seekers to ask your wildest woo questions and learn from each other.  To enroll:

Mystical Messages features my monthly astrology forecasts if you prefer listening via podcast.  Also featured are cutting edge healing arts practitioners.  Tune in and listen through Youtube, Apple or Spotify or hear previous episodes:








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