Welcome to the Underworld

Welcome to the Underworld

Compared to the cosmic roller coaster of October, I am thrilled to say that November is much calmer.  We are now working out the kinks stirred up by the planetary dust storm last month. The dust hasn’t completely settled. And it will not for a while yet. 

Many clients and friends have remarked that 2021 has been much more difficult than 2020.  In many respects, it has been for sure.  Last year, life came to a screeching halt.  Most of us didn’t make a move or many decisions either.  We confronted, then stumbled through what is called “a new normal”.  Much as we hoped, 2021, however, has proven that there is no normal, in fact.  This has shown to be a year of fits and starts, beginning with to vax or not to vax, of resuming travel and work, of friends or even family falling away, making continual adjustments as we try to find a pace, tempo or rhythm to life again.  And most challenging for all of us is facing some very clear, hard truths.

Which brings me to November:  the month of Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, god of the underworld.  We have arrived, in the underworld, that is, each of us wading through muck and mire we’d much prefer to turn a blind eye on.  With both the Sun and Motivating Mars in Scorpio, and Messenger Mercury joining on Friday, November 5th, our energy, thoughts and words intensively dig down deep beneath the surface of life.  We become detectives and psychologists searching for answers, root causes, to get to the bottom of matters. 

This is Scorpio.  It leaves no stone unturned.  And the stones it does turn over reveal treasure of all kind:  some which you may take to the bank, some that you can use to understand the great riddles of life, and some to build a new foundation upon after spending quality time in the dark night of the soul.  Because Scorpio and its planetary ruler Pluto govern the shadow, our shadow.  Both sign and planet say, “ignore your dark side at your own peril”.  Meaning:  if you continue to deny, cover up or ignore what lay underneath the surface of yourself, it will only grow larger, thicker and more troublesome. 

During this month of November, when we pause to look at what is revealed, we may address the source and cause of repeating patterns, then move forward unencumbered.  Freer. Healthier. Purged and cleansed.

Which is what 2021 is all about:  the big purge.  To think that we were going to come to a grinding halt via pandemic last year and simply paper over our behavior then move right along as before, is just not real.  2021 forces our hand.  Makes us deal with the dirty stuff, down under, below. Says:   you will look at this whether you like it or not. Some of us will do the work, repairing damages and making necessary changes.  Some will whine and complain.  Some will resist and deny with all their might. 

Either way, the former paradigm is DONE.  The old structures and previous programs are over:  Deconstructed.  This is Scorpio’s heyday.  Can you say transformation?  There is no turning back now. For any student of history, the period we are living through now is similar to before World War I and afterward.  Gone were the monarchies and dynasties to make way for new industry, technology, art, lifestyle and super powers democracy, autocracy and communism. 

We are deep in the midst of deconstruction now; we have yet to know what will emerge from the cauldron and crucible of transmutation.  What I do know for certain is that this is an incredibly fertile and creative time. Literally:  ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE NOW.  This is Scorpio:  deep, dark, delicious.

The same day Messenger Mercury turns into Scorpio, on November 5th, Valuable Venus shifts into Capricorn where she is not especially comfortable. Venus is sensual, relatable, and well, cozy.  Everything the stern sign of Capricorn is not. What is notable about her passage through Capricorn is that she will be here until next March 2022!   Why so long you may ask?  Well, next month in December Venus turns retrograde for 40 days thus protracting her cycle in Capricorn.

So let’s take a closer look at Venus in Capricorn.  First, Venus rules love, money and relationship; art, beauty and balance as well.  Venus doesn’t just want to relate, she IS the art of relationship.  Whereas Capricorn, is stark contrasts:  black and white, linear, limits and boundaries:  you stay on your side of the fence and I will stay on mine.  Capricorn and its ruler Saturn govern hard work, responsibility, integrity, honor, and the great ledger of life:  debits and credits.  You either did the thing or you didn’t.  Capricorn never blurs the lines. 

So you can see how soft and sensual Venus would feel on edge in such a literal sign.

And here we have this combination for the next FOUR months through March of 2022.  So, how do we manage this energetic mix? 

Getting real.  First with ourselves.  Taking that long, hard look in the mirror.  Finding what works and what does not work in our lives.  Then eliminating what does not work so we can focus on and grow what is working.  Venus is good at that: investing in and growing more of what we do want.  This reductive process offers an outline for your life.  For it is easier to identify what is not functional, what can be purged in this month of Scorpio, in order to distill the good stuff.  The parts that you want to keep, that work well and efficiently.

With four whole months ahead as Venus passes back and forth through Capricorn, 120 days and nights, we buckle up to get a handle on our primary relationship with our SELF.  Once we get a firm grip on exactly who we are, our other relationships will follow suit.  Enter Capricorn.  Its formal, linear, black and white, no nonsense quality determines IF we still have anything in common with our friends and loved ones.  Who shall stay and who shall go.  It’s that simple. Note:  I did not say easy.

Venus’ protracted journey through Capricorn (during the winter season of course) goes hand in glove with our Scorpio deep dive.  Elimination is the watch word for both.  And both Venus and Scorpio rule finances:  one personal, the other shared/joint.  In addition to getting serious about meaningful relationships in our lives, we also scrutinize wallets and bank accounts now.  Have you checked your credit score lately?  Are you living beyond your means, racking up expenses faster than you can pay them off?  Not for much longer.

Just as Venus gets going in hard-nosed Capricorn, while the Sun, Motivating Mars and Messenger Mercury are deeeeep into Scorpio territory, the Moon enters Taurus…ruled by, you guessed it:  Venus!  A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is upon us now on Friday, November 19th.  Tied to the natal north node in communicative Gemini on one end and Mercury on the other end, the message is crystal clear: get your priorities straight, beginning with your finances. 

This eclipse says:  You either have the money or you don’t.  If you do, this eclipse assures you freedom, as it is tied to the south node in Sagittarius.  There is no shading the truth with this eclipse.  If your financial house is not in good shape, you are made to do the work.  If your bookkeeping is in solid order, then you are free to develop your skills and talents as you see fit (Venus/Moon in Taurus).  To spend your resources, be they time, energy, talents or resources, as you like. 

The Truth shall set you Free:   The hallmark of Sagittarius, where the Sun now enters three days later on Monday, November 22nd.  Conjoined to the lunar South Node, the Sagittarius Sun pursues truth with all the fire we can muster.  We seek to understand; not because we DO understand; but rather to learn, just for the sheer adventure and exploration afforded by the journey.

Good to know, also, that Sagittarius rules the law, both cosmic and earthly.  As above, so below.  Tell the truth now.  Don’t shirk it.  Otherwise, face the consequences says Messenger Mercury entering Sagittarius on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  With the Sun and Mercury straddling the lunar South Node all in honest Sadge, we get the message loud and unmistakably clear.  Do the right thing. 

Live honestly.  Follow your path.  Live your truth, not anyone else’s.  As Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself.  Everyone else is taken.”

Of Special Note:

Discover the uber-talented Allison Chamberlain Jones on my next Mystical Messages podcast.  Allison is an astrologer, yoga teacher, life coach specializing in financial development.  We discuss her journey as a metaphysical practitioner, how she shifted her monetary perspective from one of lack to abundance, and now trains others to manifest healthy lives, both physically and financially.  As Allison illustrates, just because you are an artist or healing practitioner, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t, or cannot build wealth.  Allison and I talk about why the two are not mutually exclusive.  This episode of Mystical Messages will air on Friday, November 12th.









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