August gives us a beautiful opportunity to begin our month and lives afresh. The month opens with a brand spanking New Moon dancing on the cusp between July and August. For those on the East Coast of the United States and Canada, the New Moon occurs near midnight on July 31st. Anyone west of the Mississippi, however, the New Moon enters August on the First. For all, it is best to hand write and cast your wishes and goals on August 1stor 2nd. Either plant them in the ground or cast into a moving body of water.
From here, everything follows. You can firmly hear the Roar of August’s signature Leo the Lion. Four, yes 4 planets are in this fiery, fertile sign: Venus (love/money), the Sun (our will), the Moon (emotions) and Mars (our energy); three of which align with Generous Jupiter. Be very clear about your goals and wishes; because this tour de force in creativity and expansion marking the New Moon yields what you ask for. Prepare to receive. Be very thoughtful about your hopes and desires.
Heightening the horse power of this New Moon, Messenger Mercury turns direct motion the very next day. For the last three weeks our mind and communication turned toward reflection and remembrance and other RE words. As it moves into forward gear, Mercury finishes its second cycle in the sign of nurturing Cancer before re-entering Leo. Push on now with projects, ventures and relationships. Proceed with any major contracts and purchases. It is GO time!
The dovetailing of the New Moon on August 1stimmediately followed by Mercury direct offers unmistakable cosmic guidance. Our emotions (New Moon) and thoughts (Mercury) are given license to chart new chapters with creativity (Leo) and care (Cancer). Leo incites our actions: how big can we dream? Meanwhile, Messenger Mercury conjoined to the North Node in Cancer supply infinite imagination. Our hearts and our minds are invested for sure. Leo provides endless stamina and courage. Feel the Break-Out energy? We feel we can conquer the world!
The caution with all that fiery Leo is drama and narcissism. Watch for overly needy people trying to pull you into unnecessary complications, doing their work for them, prey upon your feelings and good nature. Radical Uranus exactly challenges Venus and the Sun at the time of the New Moon. All are in fixed, stubborn signs. Uranus in Taurus calls us to approach relationships, values and earning income differently, more pragmatically and to apply our will with ingenuity. The Venus-Sun pairing in Leo are super romantic while Uranus awakens a sensual realism. Expect surprising relationships, either new people in your life, sudden shifts, unexpected shakeups (possibly dramatic), triggering moments. These can be positive and negative twists but one thing is for sure: August leads with ground breaking measures. All new all the time is this month’s theme. Uranus is called the Great Awakener with good reason.
The good news is that heavy hitters Saturn-Pluto in sturdy Capricorn keep it real. The duo sets limits and says NO even when we are reluctant to do so for ourselves. The heavyweights align with Neptune and the North Node (our directional calling), guiding us to follow our intuition: what makes sense? What feels right yet also yields common sense answers and solutions? We may be tempted by the fantasy and illusion that the continuing Jupiter-Neptune conflict prompt; so the caution is avoiding smoke and mirrors, falling for spin and spin doctors. Best to refrain from hitting the escape button, laziness in all its forms, relying on others to formulate opinions for you. Apply focused thought and attention to matters at hand. Take a step back, observe, detach, listen and observe. See for yourself what is real and what is not; The trio of Leo planets incites us to create our own reality while Saturn-Pluto give us the grit and tools to accomplish our goals. Ask: what is possible? If you do your own work now, you will be rewarded down the road. You reap what you sow.
And the possibilities are endless now. The first two weeks of August overflow with powerhouse energy. Take advantage! It builds like a steam engine toward mid-month. Sunday, August 11th, Jupiter turns direct motion in adventurous Sagittarius, continuing its alignment with Venus-Sun in festive Leo. How big can you go? How broad do you want to expand? Your world, your vision, your goals? Truly, this is exciting energy.
The very next day, Messenger Mercury re-enters Leo while Uranus turns retrograde motion. The cosmic change agent, Uranus offers unpredictability, instability for some, and for others a whole new refreshing perspective. Leading into the Full Moon on August 15th, with four planets in playful Leo, all bets are ON. If you have been yearning to take a chance, pursue your passion, break out of a rut, create an entirely new you, lifestyle or career, this week is it. More than impelled, we feel compelled. So go for broke.
The caution is Uranus retrograde, especially as it challenges Messenger Mercury (communication), along with three other Leo planets; watch for anything involving fire, escalating arguments, unrelenting turf battles where each digs in its heels, and accidents. At a minimum, exercise caution with any heat-based or electrical appliances. Make sure ALL are turned off after use or when you leave your home. Take care with any sharp utensils or tools. Uranus is the change agent. It can redirect our lives on a dime. Turning retrograde right before the Full Moon heightens its unpredictability.
A few days after the Full Moon, a series of planetary shifts occurs. One right after the other like dominoes, the trio of planets in Leo switch into efficient Virgo. Motivating Mars (our energy) leads the charge on the 18th, followed by Venus on the 21st, then the Sun (our will) on the 24th. Within the span of a week, the party Leo hosted for much of the summer draws to a conclusion and the real work, nitty gritty details of life starts. You will feel the sea change in attitude and action. Vacations gradually end and give way to a return to work, school and routine. Welcome Virgo! Industrious, precise, and health-conscious, our creativity and imagination stoked by Leo and Cancer energies now turn ideas into productivity, making manifest our goals and visions.
The great Planner of the Zodiac, earthy Virgo harnesses resources into an uber efficient production line. Always prepared for every eventuality, Virgo forms methods and algorithms to solve problems and find solutions. We just start acclimating to this energetic shift when Messenger Mercury (our thoughts and communication) joins the Virgo stellium. Heightened the very next day on August 30th by the New Moon, five, gulp 5, planets in Virgo seek details, to know how, want answers. The trick is not losing the forest for the trees, being too tightly bound by schedule and routine to squash flexibility and creativity.
Planning and preparation are essential for successful execution just as much as over-thinking and submission to perfectionism can kill accomplishment.
The great news is the sheer drive of this New Moon.
All five planets in Virgo align skillfully with ingenious Uranus and four align with taskmaster Saturn.
Harness your resources and potential to realize your summertime ideas and dreams now.
Now is the time to put these to good work.
Behold what unfolds!
Of Special Note:
Beginning next month in September 2019, I am so pleased to partner with owner Scott Denardo to offer astrology readings at his metaphysical store Earth’s Hidden Treasures in Assonet, MA. Sessions with me are available twice a month, the first and third Thursday of each month. To book a live, in-person reading, please contact Scott at 508-644-7398 or via email: Earth’s Hidden Treasures, 63 South Main Street, Assonet, MA 02702.
My schedule and the store’s most recent newsletter are below:
Astrology readings with Hilary Harley at Earth’s Hidden Treasures
September 5 and 19
October 3 and 17
November 7 and 21
December 5 and 19
History in the Making
Now open in Historic Assonet, MA is Earth’s Hidden Treasures. We are a Holistic Retail Store and Spiritual Center offering classes in Mind, Body, Energy and Spirit. Come experience Salt Therapy for Adults and Children, All level Flow Yoga, Meditation, Intuitive Card Readings, Sound Therapy, Reiki with Crystals, Aura Photography and Astrology to name a few things. We believe in well-being from the inside out. Also available are classes in law of attraction, crystals, stress reduction and writing from the heart. Our intention and focus is to help heal, balance and center the energy field from many different perspectives, and modalities. In our busy world it’s important to take time for ourselves, allow ourselves to receive, relax, and balance so we feel refreshed and able to live our best life. We offer retail products to complement your wellness journey, such as crystals, sage, incense, gemstone jewelry, essential oils, handmade soaps, and unique gifts. Open Tuesday through Saturday, call us or email earthshiddentreasures1@gmail for hours or to set up an appointment 508-644-7398. Our website is Check us out on Facebook, Earth’s Hidden Treasures or on Instagram @earths.hidden.treasures, also check out our ad in Natural Awakenings!
Join us for the internationally known spiritual medium, inspirational speaker and author, Roland Comtois’ event Signs of Spirit on August 25th at 6:30pm. Call 508.644.7398 to RSVP space is limited and selling fast!
Calendar for August 2019 Week of August 1-3 9/2 – 6:30-8:30p ~ Priscilla Gale – Crystal Healing Beds Week of August 5-10 3rd – 8-9am ~ Sunrise Yoga with Ashley 5th – 6:30-7:30p ~ All Levels Flow Yoga with Ashley 6th – 7-8p ~ Mindful Mandala with Janet 7th – 6:30-7:30p ~ All levels Flow Yoga with Ali 8th – 12p, 5p ~ Lions Gate Portal Meditation 8-8 9th – 6-8p ~ Adult Indigo Class/Healing with Nicole 10th – 8-9am ~ Sunrise Yoga with Ashley 2-4p ~ Make your own Oil Diffuser Bracelet Week of August 12-17 12th – 6:30-7:30p ~ All Levels Flow Yoga with Ashley 14th – 6:30-7:30p ~ All levels Flow Yoga with Ali 15th – 6-8p ~ Law of Attraction with Nicole 16th – 7-8:30p ~ Soul Purpose Sound Meditation with Priscilla Gale 17th – 8-9am ~ Sunrise Yoga with Ashley 2-4p ~ Learn About the Angels Group with Nicole Week of August 19-25 19th – 6:30-7:30p ~ All Levels Flow Yoga with Ashley 21st – 6:30-7:30p ~ All levels Flow Yoga with Ali 22nd – 5:30-7:30p ~ Crystals 101 with Nicole – free crystal 24th – 8-9am ~ Sunrise Yoga with Ashley 6-8p ~ Transformation through Sound with Sonic Field 25th – 11am ~ Book Signing and Blessing with Roland Comtois – FREE 6:30-8:30p Signs of Spirit event with Roland Comtois Week of August 26-31 26th – 6:30-7:30p ~ All Levels Flow Yoga with Ashley 28th – 6:30-7:30p ~ All levels Flow Yoga with Ali 29th – 6-7:30p ~ Angel Therapy group with Nicole 31st – 8-9am ~ Sunrise Yoga with Ashley 2-4p ~ Learn how to read oracle cards with Nicole
Call 508.644.7398 to RSVP for any events or classes as they may be filled
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Our mailing address is:
Earth’s Hidden Treasures
63 S Main St
Assonet, MA 02702-1711