It has been a challenging summer for some of us indeed!

The on-going friction between Pluto and Uranus continues to dig up areas of our life we’d rather ignore and catalyze us into change. This is reflected in the endless struggle to get the economy moving, increase jobs, and calm the wild swings of the stockmarket. The public is also immensely dissatisfied with both Congress and President Obama. These our national pillars, Wall Street and the US government, will continue to be under the gun until they are reformed to create more streamlined, equitable and effective systems for all.

And we haven’t even talked about the on-slaught of severe weather that has wrought havoc throughout the country! Fire, floods, tornadoes, (even a rare East Coast earthquake) have left a path of destruction from West to East this year, upending peoples’ homes and lives. Wow. Expect this pattern to continue as Pluto and Uranus do their snake dance awakening the masses. Change is the only constant and the only way to deal with change is to accept and embrace it!

Within this upheaval, however, there is a great big ray of light. Hooray! First, Mercury turned direct at the end of August just in time for vacation to conclude and folks getting back to work and school. This autumn is a great time to launch head first into projects and plans put on hold for a little summer relaxation. Travel and appointments should proceed without any interference or delays.

The second BIG helper is that Jupiter is making a beautiful, flowing angle to Pluto. For nearly a year (May 2011 until March of 2012!) both planets smoothly glide together as they cycle through the material earth signs of Capricorn and Taurus. Repository of our desires, Pluto in Capricorn asks us to take stock and reform what gives structure to our lives, the building blocks such as our homes, jobs, communities, government. Meanwhile Jupiter recently turned retrograde in Taurus, the sign of money and possessions. We are asked to meditate on what we value, how we spend our days, and earn a living. It is a terrific time to evaluate our personal resources, be they talents, real estate, or finances. Ask what possession, job, or relationship no longer serves you; or conversely, ask what talent or resource have you let languish? How could you match your unharnessed talents and resources to best serve your deepest desires? In the midst of all the roiling, inevitable change around us, as summer timelessly turns into fall, focus your attention on how to create the life you most desire.

Then when Christmas rolls around, like a great big present, Jupiter turns direct on Christmas Day this year so that we may move forward into the New Year, putting our resources and desires into action!