Some months are crazier than others, both celestially and by human calendar. With back to school and return from vacation, September is typically a very busy month. But to the usual mix on tap this month, add more cosmic twists and turns, pushing and pulling us every which way and make us pine for quieter weeks. Whew! Only we will just have to wait until October for a calm stretch. Because in the next four weeks we have two eclipses with Mercury retrograde wedged in between, plus Venus and Pluto turning direct motion like book ends at the beginning and end of September. So what does all this celestial activity mean and how will it affect you personally? Let’s take a look.
September begins with a number of planetary pairings, four to be exact. The first involves the Moon and Uranus in fiery Aries making a beautiful angle to Mars and Venus in passionate Leo. This foursome encourages unusual alliances, emotional breakthroughs, creative connections both with others and/or your own imagination, and in some cases there will be high interpersonal drama. You may find yourself buying clothes or makeup, getting a whole new look, a completely different hairstyle, splurging on yourself, your children or friends who feel like family, to an extent you would otherwise never…
This combination is wildly creative and inspired on all fronts: emotionally, artistically/scientifically/ intellectually, athletically. Decorating your home with a flair is highly possible, (think new wall colors, fabrics, furniture) or even buying a whole new house or second home on the spur of the moment. With that in mind, the word of caution here is impulse. Take heed. Particularly when it comes to spending large amounts of your heart or money, (like moving in with your new lover at the blink of an eye or buying that sports car you spied in the dealership), just stop. Take a breath. Venus (love/money) is in the waning days of her retrograde as September opens, chasing the heels of Mercury (communication) about to turn retrograde, so try not to commit to anything that cannot be easily undone.
This is especially true as Neptune (deception and disillusionment) oppose the 3rd planetary pairing, the Sun and Jupiter in down-to-earth Virgo. Normally the annual conjunction of the Sun (our will) and Jupiter (abundance) brings about expansion, joy, growth and opportunity. And it still does this year. However, this pair’s challenge to Neptune strongly suggests we ground ourselves in practicality and the nitty-gritty details of precisely what we are getting ourselves into. It is FABulous to be inspired, whether in work, relationships, major purchases (home, car, appliances), friendships, deals and ventures of any kind, but remember to keep your feet on the ground. Sun/Jupiter in Virgo helps enormously to enter any decisions with eyes wide open. Do not be afraid to ask any and all questions, even if they make the other person(s) uncomfortable or nervous. Use your head. This is absolutely a time to trust your gut instincts and intuition. You have these for a reason! You do not want to wake up the next day or down the road asking yourself “what was I thinking…?”
As September opens, the fourth and final planetary pairing finds Messenger Mercury joined to the lunar North Node (our directional focus) in Libra. This is where accurate decision making really comes into play. Libra is the Great Deliberator of the Zodiac: this sign will sit on the fence trying to make up its mind, looking at the issue from every possible angle. With Mercury (speech and writing) joining the North Node, it is imperative to follow your true north. What feels most honest, right and true about the decision at hand, whether it is a job offer, a relationship (to enter into, continue or discontinue) or major purchase, etc. Any planet bound to a lunar node carries extra weight; so with Mercury and the North Node, communication is key. It is imperative to think things through before speaking or committing. Mean what you say and say what you mean as others will believe you now and take you literally for your word. It is OK to step back and meditate on any decision. Spend a good old-fashioned night sleeping on any matter of concern and see how you feel in the morning. If it is intended to be for you, part of your life, it can wait 24 hours. Possibly longer.
Life kicks into high gear the first weekend of the month, on Sunday, September 6th, when Venus turns direct motion. Finally. After 40 days and 40 nights, the planet of love, money and beauty moves forward at a highly visible degree of Leo. Still joined to Mars in Leo, both Venus and its male counterpart Mars harmoniously align with Radical Uranus in Aries, making this a bold, fearless Venus, totally game for anything, incredibly inventive and provocative. Can you say Romance with a Capital R? That also goes for Passion, Creativity, Risk-taking, and yes, Drama. Leo is very direct and goes after its prey unashamedly. With this troika we realize there are no barriers except those in our mind. So what do you want? Name it. Pursue it. Claim it.
The timing is ripe, as one week later we have a New Moon solar eclipse on Sunday, September 13th. At 20 degrees Virgo, the eclipse is a terrific second act to the all those grand gestures bestowed by Leo. For the New Moon, sit perfectly still and meditate even for only 5 minutes whenever you are alone, in your home, car, place of worship, or best of all, outside in Nature. Cast your intentions. In your mind create a practical plan of how to accomplish the tasks ahead, perhaps 3-5 manageable goals so as not to overwhelm yourself. Where do you see yourself this time next month, next season, next year? Where do you want to be? Whom do you want to be?
Solar eclipses mark beginnings. In industrious Virgo, we find abundant pragmatic methods to achieve our aim. Virgo is about health, work and service. This eclipse asks us: are you taking care of yourself, your health (including mental and emotional health)? Are you working at a job that is fulfilling and serves your needs and ideally those of others? With the continual gun violence in the United States and war around the world, we are asked to create a healthier, more humane, civilized planet for all. Virgo also rules pets and the animal kingdom at large. In many respects the mere existence of animals teaches us compassion, to honor the rights of others, all living creatures, to be better human beings. In the wake of the murder of Cecil the Lion, humanity is called to serve and protect all life unselfishly: man, animal, plant, ocean, air. It is far past time to recognize that the behavior of one affects each and all of us.
Only days following the eclipse, Mercury turns retrograde in Libra on Thursday, September 17. Here comes that fence to climb up and sit on to deliberate. For the next three weeks you may feel torn between two very distinct choices or courses of action: to stay or go, to accept or decline, to speak up or stay silent, to buy or refrain. Helping us to evaluate our options are the Sun-Jupiter pair in Virgo. The key words for Virgo are: I analyze. Strap on your analytical hat and make a list: pro-con. Which list dominates? If neither, do more Research – canvas the opinions of those you trust. Read. Use the Retrograde time for all the RE words: review, recall, reflect, research, etc. Ask: are you missing anything? Remember, during Mercury’s retrograde, until October 9th, it is wise to hold off signing on the dotted line for anything of significance. If it is truly important, it, or they, can wait.
The very next day, the 19th, Saturn enters sagacious Sagittarius for the next two years. Our focus and involvement will be drawn to education (your own, your children’s, or teaching others), writing, adventure and life experience, foreigners/foreign travel/foreign life, the law, higher consciousness, all forms of spirituality including established religions. The differences between West and East will heighten to fever pitch now. Isis continues to clash with anything Western, be it Christianity, Western values/morals/lifestyles or simply what is perceived as non-Muslim. Saturn in Sagittarius is about understanding. The key words for The Seeker Sagittarius are: I understand. It is not that we do understand. It is that we now seek to understand. Through education, educating ourselves and others we can bridge and overcome our differences. To learn that we are not really all that different. That in fact, we are one.
The 23rd and 24th finds the Sun (our will) and Motivating Mars switching signs. The Sun joins Messenger Mercury and the North Node in Libra while Mars joins Jupiter in Virgo. Mars is our elbow grease and energy, what makes us get out of bed in the morning. In Virgo, it drives our analytical aptitude and worker bee talents. Here, we are not afraid of hard work; we’ll get the job done and done right. Applying our analytical mind, we can find answers and solutions to all those perplexing deliberations provoked by the Sun, North Node and Mercury in Libra.
Two days later on September 26th, powerhouse Pluto turns direct motion in earthy Capricorn. Pluto now makes a beautiful angle to Joyous Jupiter in Virgo, helpfully grounding all that airy Libra energy that muddles our direction and asks us which way should we turn? Jupiter’s alliance with Pluto gives ample resources, useful information and people, and practical, realistic answers to meet our needs and desires. The pairing of these two in earth signs could not come at a better time as we roll into the second eclipse of the month on September 27-28th(EDT/GMT). The Full Moon Lunar eclipse brings conclusion to events and/or relationships and wraps up loose ends. Ideally, questions and decisions sparked by the Libra deliberations will be answered. At month’s end, no matter what age we are, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of our lives. Which way will you go?