Is this the real life? Or is it just fantasy?
March 2021Is this the real life? Or is it just fantasy?
March 2021Without hyperbole, the kindest weeks of 2021 occur during the month of March. All of the planets are moving forward as March opens, creating calmer days with much less cosmic activity stirring the ether. And while there are occasional periods where all the planets in our galaxy turn forward together, it is rare indeed to have them direct motion for such a long time: between February 21st and April 27th, just over two months, every single planet will be turning forward.
In concert with this, the balance of March lends a particularly unifying energy. The Sun, our will and how we engage with the world, along with mystical Neptune and Valuable Venus all cycle through inspirational Pisces now. Imagination, dreams, divine guidance and trusting our beliefs, soak into our beings. Feel the waves of life or actual water lapping up around you. Listen to music drifting you into another frame of mind.
Pisces and its planet Neptune rule consciousness itself, our soul and spirit. It is the energy of a thousand souls singing the same verse together at a concert. It is transcendental. During March, you cannot DO water and music enough. Whether you are on, in, around or near, ANY kind of water will do: vapor/steam, balmy ocean, frozen ice, tranquil lake. Same with music: pick your pleasure. What makes you come to life? Make your heart and feet THUMP?!
The final sign of the zodiac, Pisces is a deeply cleansing, healing and unifying energy. Right now, we need every single drop of this water sign to wash away the anger, grief and discouragement so prevalent now. Fostering this gentle go-with- the-flow energy is planetary ruler Neptune in its own sign, Pisces, along with its younger sibling Venus, which shines in emotional Pisces; here she is imbued with super powered grace and love for all, helping us reach across our perceived divides and differences to bridge the gaps. Venus and Neptune remind us that we are all children of the universe; we share more in common than not. How can you be a force for unity?
Just a few days into the month, on Thursday, March 4th, Motivating Mars turns into communicative Gemini, sharpening our minds and our words. Gemini is the salesman of the zodiac; when switched on, it is powerfully persuasive using focused attention and intimate contact of the moment. Mars moves into Gemini the exact same day that Generous Jupiter pairs up with Messenger Mercury, ruler of Gemini; so expect strong or particularly noteworthy messages on or around March 4th. Gradually through the month, Mars joins the lunar North Node and both align to three planets in Connective Aquarius: Taskmaster Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. Our minds, ideas, thoughts and words synchronize like a well-oiled machine. We link up to the right groups and teams, networking our message to those who need to hear it most and for the greatest collective benefit.
On the heels of this, we enter one of the loveliest passages of the entire year! Make no mistake, this is one beautiful stretch of time. So wherever you are and whatever you a doing, plan to make the most of the second week of the month, between Friday March 5th and the New Moon on Saturday, March 13th. Why, you may ask is this period so especially harmonious? The Sun and Venus gradually converge, tightly joining Neptune for a Piscean lovefest. Dance along the divine wavelength offered to us now. Sink into and soak up mystical feeling, windswept inspiration, unparalleled intuitive perception, divinely guided actions. If you are planning to get married, this week is it! It gets my pick for 2021!
The magical energy continues unfolding through the New Moon on Saturday, March 13th, marking new beginnings just one week before the Spring Equinox. Remember to handwrite 3-5 intentions, prayers or goals that you seek to manifest in the coming season. With the abundant water energy this New Moon, cast your goals into a moving body of water or water them generously after you plant them in the softening spring earth.
Three days later, Messenger Mercury **FINALLY** moves out of Aquarius, where it has been since early January. Shifting into Pisces, it gradually challenges Mars and the lunar north node in Gemini, marking the trickiest part of March. The Gemini Mars-North Node can spin, sell and persuade their way (meaning YOU) into or out of anything; while Piscean Mercury wants so much to BELIEVE. Our challenge here is to discern: what is real, clarifying fact from fiction and truth from illusion. The stretch from Friday, March 19th to the 26th is particularly slippery.
It is ESPECIALLY important that you have all relevant information so you may make informed decisions; that you listen to integrate and learn rather than to listen to merely reply; so remember to hit the pause button and reflect, to ask more questions if you are uncertain or if your gut/intuition tells you something is awry. Do not be afraid to dig deeper if necessary. Most importantly, do not let anyone else hold a metaphorical gun to your head… suggesting that you may miss out on something if you do not ACT NOW. Sleep on whatever is being proposed, the choice you are facing. Trust your instincts more than others’ agendas.
It will be particularly important to hold your horses around the 3rd week of March. The urge to act, our impulses are racing as the Sun shifts into brazen, fiery Aries on Saturday, March 20th, marking the Spring Equinox; followed by Valuable Venus the very next day. We are rarin’ to go, to get a move on now with the fearless Aries energy lighting a fire underneath us. This is classic Spring Fever energy. We feel there is nothing we cannot do if only we try. Aries is The Great Initiator. Just keep in mind that you will need a plan to finish what you start.
We feel the momentum build toward the Full Moon in Libra on Sunday, March 28th. This is an especially helpful Full Moon as it forms a grand air trine (SUPER FLOW) between Mars-North Node in Gemini and Aquarius Saturn. We are connecting on all cylinders: to people, ideas, resources, groups, technology, teams and networks to manifest our goals. Supporting this hyper connectivity, Mercury-Neptune heighten our intuition: we simply know and feel the right direction to move. Venus-Chiron-Sun tightly pair in Aries emboldening our courage to try what has not been done, to go where no man has gone before, to heal in a whole new way, with new methods and means. In short, the powerful potential of this Full Moon, bringing fruition to our accumulated efforts is second to none. March 28th truly marks New Beginnings. How will you make the most of your fresh start?
Of special note:
Please join me on Friday, March 19th for my podcast Mystical Messages as I interview guest Nicole Henley, spiritual midwife, life coach, energy alchemist and creator of Moksha Moon Alchemy. Nicole and I discuss her energy work with clients, using a variety of modalities including sound healing, crystals, herbal remedies and more. To book a session with Nicole or to explore her herbal oil products, please visit her on Facebook or Instagram: Nicole Henley-Moksha Moon. To tune in to hear my interview with Nicole, you may find Mystical Messages wherever you subscribe to your podcasts:
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