How do you need to heal?

October 2020

How do you need to heal?

October 2020

October opens smack bang with a Full Moon in fiery Aries on the 1st.  Joined to healer Chiron, possibilities for emotional release and all manner of healing grace us.  How do you need to heal?  Opposite the Sun in Libra, this Full Moon says it is up to us to balance and bring order where our lives are off kilter and uneven, especially in proportion to how much we give to ourselves versus others.  In Aries, this Full Moon illuminates all new healing modalities and strategies:  whether getting your household or finances in order, trying a new exercise practice or alternative healer. 

Libra’s superpower is bringing order from chaos.  We all can use more order, grace and consideration.  In the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, “Reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance one’s ability to persuade.  You can disagree without being disagreeable.”

Mind, you don’t have to be an astrologer to know that there is immense pent-up rage right now.  It seeks an outlet.  With this feisty Full Moon, watch your words, especially in response to those who are not careful of theirs.  Words once spoken cannot be retrieved.  Think peace; be peace.  Extend a helping hand.  Ask:  are you part of the solution or adding to the problem?

The next day, October 2nd, Libra’s planetary ruler Venus shifts into practical Virgo.  Here, the planet of love, money and relationships focuses on how to be of utmost service.  How can you be of use to resolve a problem?  Over the next weeks, Venus aligns with the heavy hitters, Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn to manifest our material needs and goals.  Boosting this alliance, transformer Pluto turns direct motion on October 3rd.

Since late April, Pluto’s retrograde had us reviewing our desires.  With the Capricorn trio now moving forward again, we use our assessment to build what we aim to achieve, grow and expand.  Pluto is tightly sandwiched between the titans Jupiter and Saturn (expansion and integrity).  As Pluto rules power, this packed troika in Capricorn means business.  Veils of pretense are ripped off, exposing anything hidden and overhauling any ingrained, established customs and traditions, or junking them entirely.

Honor, dignity and integrity are October’s watchwords.  Act Responsibly.  Do the right thing.  Not because you should; but rather, because you know better.  Your higher self is calling.  Pay attention.  Be responsible out of respect for yourself, others and our Earth.

Wednesday, October 7th may prove to be full of surprises as Messenger Mercury opposes Radical Uranus.  Buried secrets, long term mysteries and stubborn problems are uncovered and solved.  The pieces of the puzzle come together.  Watch for Ah-Hah and Eureka moments.  Remember, “What you seek is seeking you,” – Rumi.

Over the next week, Messenger Mercury begins to slow down for its final retrograde cycle of 2020.  Tuesday, October 13th, the Communication planet stops to reverse gear and retrace ground in intense Scorpio.  As we approach the last 2 weeks of October, a time when the veil between Heaven and Earth is thinnest, Mercury pours forth revelations.  Anything swept under the rug crawls out and makes itself known – especially secrets having to do with sex, money, taxes and power.  Past abuse or misuse of these will resurface, come knocking, seeking redress between October 14 and November 3rd, Election Day.  If guilty, pay the piper.  Scorpio rules karma and it is here to collect.  With both Mercury and Mars now retrograde for the next three weeks, it is especially important to do the RE words:  reflect, review, renovate, revisit, renew, etc.  Life may really feel like an uphill battle through the end of the month.

Two days later, the New Moon in Libra occurs on Friday, October 16th.  In an uneasy year, this is an unsettled New Moon.  Catalytic, yes.  More like:  KABOOM!  Moon-Sun (our emotions and will) clash with the Capricorn trio Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn and oppose Mars, still retrograde in Aries.  The Libra Moon-Sun seek peaceful resolution, grace and harmony.  There may be none to be had as the Capricorn Heavy Hitters and Mars are locked in a tug of war between old ways and new ones.  Each wants the final word.  The open end of this dynamic rests in Cancer the Crab:  our nation, homeland, country and how we care for it, as well as how we care for ourselves, our families, children and elders. 

The planetary void in Cancer holds the answers to the riddle of the New Moon:  If we are to find new ways (mars in Aries) for peace (Moon-Sun Libra) with honor and integrity (Capricorn), we must nurture each other with compassion (Cancer the Crab).  It is infinitely easier to be kind than exert wasteful angry energy.

A week later, the Sun turns into powerful Scorpio on October 23rd, joining Messenger Mercury.  Our will and our thoughts plumb the depths; we feel ALL of the feels.  Psychotherapy, shadow work, financial management and deep research are the best use of this energy.  The caution with Scorpio is addiction, power games or power struggles, and money/resource misuse.  Helping us tow the line, Venus now aligns with Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn, all in earth signs, providing material gain, opportunity and outlets to lift us toward our goals.  If we only look, we find the answers.  Ask and you shall receive.

October ends on a gracious note with Venus rolling into its own sign of Libra on Tuesday, October 27th.  Here she smooths ruffled feathers and inclines us toward harmony, the arts, beauty and calm.  Libran Venus graces us with balance and peace.  In these truly cataclysmic times, she says Give Peace a Chance.

Of Special Note:

Coming SOON!!   Mark your calendars for Friday-Sunday, October 2-4:  Soni Masur’s Big Fall Show!  Come browse truly beautiful work by artisans at the Winsmith Mill Commerce Center, 61 Endicott Street, Norwood, MA.  Once again, I will be offering 20 minute mini readings at the special show rate of $30.  Please stop by and see all the artwork including paintings, ceramics and pottery, handbags,  bouquets and succulents, shell creations, candles and more.  To book a mini reading with me, please contact:  This is a socially distanced with masks event.  Vendors will be widely spaced apart with plenty of hand sanitizer and masks provided.








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