Trust the Process

Thick as molasses:  Some may describe the cosmic energy of September just like that.  Like a stubborn hangover from August, an energetic quagmire looms over much of this month as six out of ten planets cycle retrograde motion.  What should we do?  How can we make the...

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The Serpent’s Subtle Whisper

Full Moon fever spreads and makes itself felt on Day 1 of August.  During the final days of July, we feel the energy building with tremendous force, like a volcano silently churning beneath the surface.  This is one highly creative Full Moon:  with the playful Leo Sun...

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Do the Thing You Think You Cannot Do

June’s clear, cosmic pattern stays with us as July begins.  This steadier, sturdier and stable energy continues to serve us especially after the tumult of 2023’s first five months.  Surely, a welcome relief. The party atmosphere stirred up by Venus and Mars in festive...

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Put Your Party Shoes On

From the title of this message, you may think all struggle and strife are over and done with.  As last month taught us, however, the work is never quite finished.  But the incredibly heavy lifting we experienced on many fronts during the April and May have passed.  We...

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Fertile Ground

May gently invites us into her month of Taurus.  The more softly and considerately we step into her rays, the better.  Think Audrey Hepburn, a famous Taurus, a dancer before she acted, and consummately light on her feet.  We are between eclipses now, with Pluto and...

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The Engine of Progress

I have a tenuous relationship with the phrase “no pain, no gain”; yet the times call for us to make friends with this sentiment. No one alive has ever moved through passages and transitions that are now unfolding.  As a whole, we are navigating a completely New...

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Welcome to the New Era

March enters like a gentle giant. Cosmically the first few days of the month are smooth.  We are half way through an “energetic All-Clear” with every single planet moving forward motion.  We have our wheels under us now, rolling out major plans and purchases.  Take...

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All Systems Are GO!

Although still deep in midwinter, February is a breath of fresh air cosmically speaking.  Since September 2022, we have been moving through incredibly heavy energies, pushing and pulling us to clean and purge what no longer is relevant.  Much of this time was rife...

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The Iceman Cometh

The New Year begins very, very slowly.  Much like the frozen northern hemisphere, life stands still.  The dead of winter is upon us now.  Both Motivating Mars, planet of action, and Messenger Mercury ruling communication, are cycling retrograde motion as January 2023...

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We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

Even in the midst of my frustration, I had to laugh as I started writing the December forecast, the last and final forecast for tumultuous 2022.  Like a hangover, I felt the same energies at play that linger through the first half of December.  Dazed and confused....

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Hilary Harley

Hilary Harley

Astrologer & Reiki Master

I have been studying astrology since 1998 and practicing reiki since 2015. I am also the published author of Ring of Truth, and a practitioner of Kundalini yoga. Read my blog to learn how the metaphysical world impacts your life.

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