Turn the Page

Turn the Page January 2024 At one time, many of us turned the calendar corner with baited breath, leaning forward hopefully on January 1st, optimistic about the fresh year ahead.  Given the last few years of pandemic and the ensuing upheaval, my clients invariably say...

Fire in Our Belly

Fire in Our Belly December 2023 During December’s darkly deep days, do you ever feel like a little mole running from point to point, reaching for light and warmth? This annual time of slowing down to frozen stillness marks the final calendar month of autumn, our...

Giving Up the Ghost

Giving Up the Ghost November 2023 Kinder words for death are transition and transformation.  By its very nature, autumn is always rife with transformation and November is perhaps best defined by this word. The middle month of the fall season, November transitions us...

Judgment Day

Judgment Day October 2023 A very gentle Taurus moon greets us on October 1st and boy, do we need all the calm resolve we can use.  With the tumultuous Full Moon in Aries only just past days before at the end of September, it is important to take a beat, take a moment...

Trust the Process

Trust the Process September 2023 Thick as molasses:  Some may describe the cosmic energy of September just like that.  Like a stubborn hangover from August, an energetic quagmire looms over much of this month as six out of ten planets cycle retrograde motion.  What...

The Serpent’s Subtle Whisper

The Serpent's Subtle Whisper August 2023 Full Moon fever spreads and makes itself felt on Day 1 of August.  During the final days of July, we feel the energy building with tremendous force, like a volcano silently churning beneath the surface.  This is one highly...