Brace for Impact
November 2020Brace for Impact
November 2020We are really IN the thick of it right now. Some may say we are in FOR it. Wow and how. Either way, you can cut the cosmic weight and gravitas with a knife. Pushed, pulled, squeezed and contorted we are. Cosmic cues abound. Careful you do not twist yourself into a pretzel or a tangled, hot mess as you make your way through each day. Anyone worried about the future? If so, the best remedy is to put your head down and focus on your work, what is right in front of you.
A wise therapist told me years ago: control what you can and let the rest go. Expending energy on the momentous shifts occurring every day is a complete waste of energy. This is magnified as November opens in the wake of a Full Moon on Halloween. Tightly conjoined to change agent Uranus, the Full Moon in Taurus is a shake up and shake down of values: whom and what we value, in ourselves, others and in life. Opposite the Sun in Scorpio, we are shown in unmistakable clarity any misuse or abuse of our values along with power, sex, and resources – whether material or spiritual. We see now what has been hidden, avoided and swept under the rug what we’d rather not discuss or address.
The Halloween Full Moon needs a warning label: CAUTION: unsettled energy and paths ahead. Some may feel the actual ground shifting beneath them or electric currents running through their bodies (Uranus rules lightning and electricity). Venerable customs and traditions, established structures of our lives, stalwart pillars holding reliable systems together come tumbling down around us. Scorpio, the sign where the Sun is opposite the Full Moon is ruled by Pluto. Think Plutonium: this Full Moon is nuclear.
On November 1st and the days following, we still reverberate with the fractured shards warning us to pay attention. Look for breakdowns and breathtaking breakthroughs, often intertwined. Resist with all your might if you must but know that it is better to embrace change and now. There is no going back from here. We are past the point of no return. Boat rockers and chain rattlers are in their glory. The rest of us do what we can to smooth ruffled feathers and simply survive. Mother moon shows us in her glaring reflection how far we’ve strayed from basic fundamentals of life: care and compassion for each other and our Mother Earth. “Better get your act together kids,” she wags a cosmic finger.
Two days later on November 3rd, Messenger Mercury turns direct motion in Libra aligned to the lunar North Node in communicative Gemini. It is no accident that this is election day in the United States. When any planet stations, or stands still before turning direct or retrograde, it sends extra strong energy. In this case, Mercury sends a crystal clear, irrefutable message. The clarity and power of the election message is strengthened the next day when the Moon conjoins the North Node. Dispute the results all you want but a New Order is imminent. Politically yes, but in the macro we begin the shift from 3D to 5D existence.
We are living history now. What a time to be alive. Bear witness one and all.
The routine of our lives sits amidst the upheaval and dust stirred up between October 30 and November 4th. Fortunately, Venus in her own sign of Libra aligns to the North Node from November 9 to the 15th. We need all the relationship help we can get now as Venus, planet of love, money and relationships graces our lines of communication and smooths over the rough edges of our lives, partnerships and ventures. As she challenges Jupiter-Pluto (conjoined for the final time for the next 12 years), she fosters much needed discussions about the balance of power. Have face to face, in person conversations rather than from behind a screen, Venus reminds us. She refines the way and opens the door graciously for her counterpart Mars as he turns direct motion on Saturday, November 14th.
For a lonnnnng two months, since September 9th, Motivating Mars has been reverse gear in its own sign of Aries. The planet of action and initiative in its own fiery sign is especially out of its depth in passive, retrograde, reflective mode. Ordinarily, Mars spends two months in a sign, Due to its retrograde cycle, it spends six months in Aries, from late June 2020 to early January 2021. Much of that time, Mars dueled with the Capricorn trio Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn, prodding us to change old established patterns. Much of the discomfort we have felt in 2020 has resulted from this clash.
Now, on Saturday, November 14th, Mars finally revs its fiery engine and kicks into overdrive. As Mars shifts forward motion, it is unaspected, meaning tremendously emphasized. Think of the Indy 500: Gentlemen, Start Your Engines, or the Apollo rocket at blast off. Such is this moment. The forward thrust is IMMENSE. Do not squander this energy. Especially as guess what? The very next day is the New Moon in Scorpio! Divine timing is perfect, sending a laser focused message and affording ripe opportunity. If ever there were a time to write your intentions and sow what you desire to manifest, the New Moon on November 15th IS IT! This is one New Moon that is raring to go out of the gate.
With both Mars and Mercury now direct, proceed with ALL large purchases, signing contracts and deals, launching initiatives. Harness the raw power at hand now, grab it and hold on for dear life. If you think it’s been a wild ride so far, just wait.
Mid November is not for the faint of heart or mild and meek. Again: control your immediate environment as best you can and release the rest to Source and Spirit. Flow is the key word now, especially as Neptune in Pisces prepares to turn direct on November 29th. Watch for the unexpected, surprise and yes, perhaps shocking on November 17th and 18th as Messenger Mercury opposes change agent Uranus in Scorpio-Taurus for the final time this season.
The first time these two dueled, President Trump was diagnosed with Covid. Revelations, blessings as well as curve balls out of left field will unfold now. KARMA, Scorpio’s signature, is playing bigtime this week. The mysterious is unveiled and revealed increasingly through the weekend of November 21-22 as Mercury hits a bell-ringing degree of Scorpio while Venus and the Sun change signs. Venus joins mercury in Scorpio easing our financial and psychological burdens while the Sun rolls into Sagittarius. The Scorpio duo turns up and over what must be seen while the Sun in Sagittarius demands truth, honesty and yes, justice.
Watch for a frenzy of activity as the Moon joins Mars on Wednesday, November 25th the day before Thanksgiving. Mind your mouth and guard your tongue carefully with considered replies to others, particularly family members on Wednesday as this day is a minefield of angry triggers. Put your listening hat on and cue up your ears instead: you never regret the things you do not say. The final stretch of the month is super charged as we head into a Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini, on Monday, November 30th. Gemini IS communication, which we often forget is a two way street: talking and thinking as well as listening and hearing. If ever there were a time to heed the lyrics of the musical Hamilton, this Thanksgiving and kick off the holiday season is it: Talk less, smile more.
OF SPECIAL NOTE: Hard to believe, but the holidays are upon us! Looking for a distinctive gift for that hard-to-buy-for someone? Consider the gift of a personal astrology session. Gift certificates are available via my website:
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